Will a multipolar world "tear down the myth of Western Civilisation"?
The Daily Telegraph, known online as The Telegraph, is the worst British mainstream media (MSM) on YouTube. It's politically biased, having endorsed the Conservative Party since 1945 - Boris Johnson worked for them.
It says outrageous things, with its current main theme being that Ukraine is winning/Russia is losing. Many propaganda outlets do the same but The Telegraph is more egregious. It's ironic that they used to receive major advertising revenues from Russian state media, but not unorthodox in the long prevailing wind of self-service before facts.
Alastair Crooke, former British diplomat and British Intelligence (MI6), now a peace-monger, dismantled their recent propaganda video involving narratives winning wars. To be more precise, the video is a story about a story, clever because it sounds so reasonable, lies that's gotten half a million views.
Why is there a desperate belief by onlookers to ignore blatant facts about this war which began in 2014 and not 2022? How did the Western Public suddenly believe that Ukrainians and Russians, who used to live peacefully together, are now, respectively, good and evil? Isn't the act a form of racism, a conscious or subconscious force that’s easy to tap into and abuse because some races are more superior, that non-Westerners are only Apes, Gooks, Chinks and Russkies.
Someone forgot to tell them that Russia, from St Petersburg to Sochi and Moscow, considers itself European. Even Substack spellcheck accepted “gooks” and “chinks” but offered “rustiness” instead of “Russkies”.
It's obvious that profit is the motive for the military industrial complex, which, in turn, gives them power. Newspapers are owned by power then profit. But do any of those orchestrating this war, such as Victoria Nuland, actually believe they're superior. That's, unfortunately, possible.
You must read Crooke's full opinion about The Daily Terrorgraph’s video but here's a quote from the tail-end.
"Their hubris resides in the implicit presumption: that the West somehow always wins – is destined to prevail – because it is the recipient of this privileged genealogy... They quake, not just at a ‘Russia empowered’, but rather at the prospect the new multi-polar order led by Putin and Xi that is sweeping the globe will tear down the myth of Western Civilisation."
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