The Motive for the Russell Brand Investigation?
Russell Brand has suddenly and suspiciously been demonetised by YouTube.
I wasn’t there so I’m not questioning what happened between Russell Brand and the women accusing him of sexual abuse. This is about the motive for it suddenly becoming relevant, and in such spectacular fashion.
It was suspicious when The Times of London, The Sunday Times, and Channel 4 united in a joint investigation to expose Russell Brand for alleged sex abuse for cases never registered with the police.
Those who see Brand as speaking uncomfortable truths about power cried conspiracy, noting examples of what had happened to others. A more radical minority think that Brand is a false actor working for the State, and that this is a psy-ops operation to make us believe he’s real.
I’m with the former, especially since the story has received far more attention that seems possible unless coordinated, and because YouTube, suddenly and ‘coincidentally’, has demonetized him.
I admit bias to sympathy because I was once falsely targeted by politicians and their cronies after I exposed political corruption.
An amazing example of Brand’s truth to power happened on Bill Maher’s show earlier this year.
Maher’s laughter soon stopped, and he looked extremely uncomfortable when Brand read out a controversial section in an Oxfam report, about billionaire opportunism during covid.
That clip, not only the best of the show but a highlight in Maher’s career, is strangely not on Maher’s YouTube channel. However, it can be viewed on Wigdhal’s substack.
Brand did this follow-up on his own channel.
Although Bill Maher deserves criticism for not going down the rabbit hole, he’s to be given credit for interviewing Russell Brand one month later, on Club Random.
This isn’t a proper article. Its a half-arsed opinion and half-arsed advertorial. I want you to read this excellent piece by Iain Davis:
Yeah, that's the way to do it: just a couple of minutes with a couple of the best references. Well done!
SpookTube... It's useful as a confirmation tool to see what is being taken down.