Reduction, Amplification, Time... and Me
My substackian intentions for SSDG and Wicked Ghosts in 2024.

I’ll post less here in 2024. I worry that people who subscribe to many others don’t have time to read each post, and are thus forced to choose between headlines. Additionally, reacting to news isn’t as important as reflecting (even if that gains less views).
Consequently, I will reduce the number of posts in the hope the few are amplified.
From next year, on Same Shit, Different Government:
Sunday - small article or feature.
Wednesday - update on Russo/USA War in Ukraine.
Friday - sometimes a crosspost, or the monthly summary of Wicked Ghosts.
For those with more time, and interests beyond politics, there’s my Wicked Ghosts:
Tuesday: Music, poem, short story or short movie.
Thursday: Music, poem, short story or short movie.
Saturday: A video on sexual abuse or liberation.
I’ll try again to uplift my health which jumped off a cliff after covid. I’ve been breathing so bad at night that I’m still coughing blood every morning, and I’m terribly distracted when writing (which wastes so much time).
To get past my multiplied allergies, I’m going to try a diet of one daily black coffee (so that I fully appreciate the joy again), water, apples, bananas, raw carrots, boiled eggs and boiled vegetables (peas, broccoli and cauliflower).
I’ll eat between 3-9am, and fast 18hrs Tuesday to Saturday.
I’ll feast on Sundays with starch and meat so I don’t fall apart from lack of iron, and then fast on Mondays.
Except for one teaspoon of salt weekly, you’ll have to be my spice in the comment section.
After one month, I’ll tell you how it went in case you think you want to try it.
You ARE your body. There is nothing more, unless you believe in ghosts...oh, Your health is priority one, because without good health you are nothing. Take care of yourself! Thanks for the update.
I hope that you feel better soon,Mike. The stress of writing professionally must me way harder than writing in college was for me.
Good luck to you in the upcoming year.
I'm sure that 2024 will keep us all very busy 😉