Substack SitRep: 18 August 2023
Europeans changing attitude to the war, an amazing protest song...
Different approach today. Keeping news by topic, and not separating Substack links from articles elsewhere. My goal remains promoting noteworthy Substackers but it’s illogical to put associated articles under a different header. You’re not going to read, listen and watch everything (it exhausts me) but you’ll land on the themes that interest you. Helluva lot of interesting news today!
Before I list brain-invigorating links, I’m sharing a recent poll that examples Europe’s changing attitude to the war in Ukraine.
I’m skeptical about polling but this is made interesting by the pollsters being the Anti-Corruption Foundation which are anti-Putin. The results runs counter to the war narrative on Mainstream Media (MSM).
It’s been mentioned by several writers before me, including Meaning in History and Simplicius the Thinker, but I think that everyone should share it.

You should also look at bigger polls regarding Ukrainians perception of corruption in their country. It’s that blackness which allowed them to be manipulated into displacement and death.
I’ve got questions to ask you, but I’ll leave those for the end of this post, below the video section.
I’m not a country music fan but this protest song is incredible, and will become an anthem against oppression. It’s a punch against all that was said in the video above. Listen to the lyrics. Knockout!
Russia got richer as West shed trillions of dollars of wealth
Lavrov debunks that Russia’s mad at China & India for attending Jeddah Talks
Poland holds huge military parade as war rages in neighbouring Ukraine
Unmasking the destructive career of neocon-monster Victoria Nuland
NATO backpedals as Ukraine fumes over land for membership gaffe
Zelensky's pivotal counteroffensive call threatens to divide leadership
US to deploy forces to Finland on Russia's North-Western border
Grim search continues for 1,300 ‘unaccounted for’ after Maui wildfires
The horrors of Maui made possible by Government incompetence
Mobs burn Christian churches, homes in Pakistan after blasphemy allegations
1,500 academics denounce Israel for imposing apartheid-style regime on Palestinians
If what we're told about the war in Ukraine is true, how come we're paying more for everything whilst there are 56,000 new Russian millionaires?
If the West's goal is to protect Ukraine's territory from 'invading' Putin, then why did NATO's commander suggest that Ukraine could become a member of NATO if it ended the war by giving disputed territories to Russia?
Why did Western Media simultaneously support Ukraine’s fake military success, and is now, simultaneously, expressing doubt? Who is telling us what to think and when?
Head to South Africa where most of the political parties are negotiating for coalitions that have nothing to do with what they claim to represent. Are splinter parties splinters if they work with the parties they left, and do they have the same sponsors?
Can you be an opposition party if you seek to hold hands with the opposition? Communism, socialism, liberalism? Or a smorgasbord of capitalistic “fuck you” to the masses.
The discrepancy between reality and what we’re told is explained by manipulation, as it has been throughout the history we refuse to learn from. A few seek money and power, selling themselves as the only options, knowing almost everyone is stupid enough to listen to them... again.
What will it take for everyone to wake up?