The only moral war is American
Project 2025 has yanked the USA out of UNHRC and UNRWA, but thankfully kept its seat on the War Council.
Whether a war is just, or human aid is served, will be decided by what’s good for the U.S.A. So speaketh Donald Trump, Spokesperson for Project 2025.
I’ve resurrected the comment section so that you, dear reader, can also speak.
February 4, the International Day of Human Fraternity, began with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stating that:
“We celebrate the values of equality, unity and mutual respect.
Yet today, all over the world, we see a surge of discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance driving people apart and tearing at the fabric of societies.
It is the duty of all of us, including religious leaders, to seek dialogue over division, and confront hatred wherever we find it, before it takes hold and spreads…
Let us recognize that we are one human family — rich in diversity, equal in dignity and rights, and united in solidarity.”
He was being ridiculously diplomatic considering Trump’s order:
“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose. The United States helped found the United Nations (UN) after World War II to prevent future global conflicts and promote international peace and security. But some of the UN’s agencies and bodies have drifted from this mission and instead act contrary to the interests of the United States while attacking our allies and propagating anti-Semitism. As in 2018, when the United States withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the United States will reevaluate our commitment to these institutions.
Three UN organizations that deserve renewed scrutiny are the UNHRC; the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
UNRWA has reportedly been infiltrated by members of groups long designated by the Secretary of State (Secretary) as foreign terrorist organizations, and UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel. UNHRC has protected human rights abusers by allowing them to use the organization to shield themselves from scrutiny, while UNESCO has demonstrated failure to reform itself, has continually demonstrated anti-Israel sentiment over the past decade, and has failed to address concerns over mounting arrears.
Sec. 2. UNHRC and UNESCO Participation. (a) The United States will not participate in the UNHRC and will not seek election to that body. The Secretary shall terminate the office of United States Representative to the UNHRC and any positions primarily dedicated to supporting the United States Representative to the UNHRC.
(b) The United States will also conduct a review of its membership in UNESCO. This review shall be led by the Secretary, in coordination with the United States Representative to the United Nations (UN Ambassador), and must be completed within 90 days of the date of this order. The review will include an evaluation of how and if UNESCO supports United States interests. In particular, the review will include an analysis of any anti-Semitism or anti-Israel sentiment within the organization.
Sec. 3. Funding. (a) Executive departments and agencies shall not use any funds for a contribution, grant, or other payment to UNRWA, consistent with section 301 of title III, division G, of Public Law 118-47 (March 23, 2024). The Secretary shall withdraw the determination previously made under section 7048(c)(1) of title VII, division F, of Public Law 118-47. Accordingly, of the funds appropriated for a contribution to the UN Regular Budget under the heading “Contributions to International Organizations” of Public Law 118-47, as most recently continued by Public Law 118-158 (December 21, 2024), the Secretary shall withhold the United States proportionate share of the total annual amount of UN Regular Budget funding for the UNHRC, consistent with section 7048(c) of title VII, division F, of Public Law 118-47.
(b) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary, in consultation with the UN Ambassador, shall conduct a review of all international intergovernmental organizations of which the United States is a member and provides any type of funding or other support, and all conventions and treaties to which the United States is a party, to determine which organizations, conventions, and treaties are contrary to the interests of the United States and whether such organizations, conventions, or treaties can be reformed. Upon the conclusion of that review, the Secretary shall report the findings to the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and provide recommendations as to whether the United States should withdraw from any such organizations, conventions, or treaties.
Sec. 4. Notification. The Secretary shall inform the UN Secretary General and the leadership of UNRWA and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights that the United States will not fund UNRWA or the UNHRC and that the United States will not satisfy any claims to pay 2025 assessments or prior arrears by these organizations.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
The USA is basically saying that the UN must more overtly work for the benefit of American allies and the leaders of the poor countries it wishes to bribe. And the world, which also contributes to the organisation, must fund it too.
Notably, one of the two editors of Project 2025's '180-Day Playbook’ is Steven Groves who was Ambassador Nikki Haley’s Chief of Staff to the UN.
The '180-Day Playbook’, more formally known as the ‘Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise’, states that:
Working with other governments through international organizations like the United Nations can be tremendously useful—but membership in these organizations must always be understood as a means to attain defined goals rather than an end in itself.
Engagement with international organizations is one relatively easy way for the
U.S. to defend its interests and to seek to address problems in concert with other nations, but it is not the only option—and American diplomats should be clear-eyed about international organizations’ strengths and weaknesses. When such institutions act against U.S. interests, the United States must be prepared to take appropriate steps in response, up to and including withdrawal...
The [Trump] Administration must end blind support for international organizations. If an international organization is effective and advances American interests, the United States should support it. If an international organization is ineffective or does not support American interests, the United States should not support it. Those that are effective will still require constant pressure from U.S. officials to ensure that they remain effective. Serious consideration should also be given to withdrawal from organizations that no longer have value, quietly undermine U.S. interests or goals, or disproportionately rely on U.S. financial contributions to survive…
The U.S. will have a greater impact by including like-minded nations and building on the coalition launched through the Geneva Consensus Declaration, with a view to shaping the work of international agencies by functioning as a united front…
The United States must return to treating international organizations as vehicles for promoting American interests—or take steps to extract itself from those organizations.
For UNRWA, this means it loses $400 million of its annual funding. Just like the global trade dollar, that’s blackmail.
More pressingly, it’s an American Presidential order to kill more of the 1.9 million Palestinians in survival need of the UN’s help.
The benefit is that the USA is continuing to show the masses its ugly face us outsiders have long had daymares and nightmares about.
Members of the American military better get clear they are not there to serve the President's son-in-law's obscene real estate and luxury resort investment plans. Any member of the American military who would participate in occupation of Gaza and the West Bank would be complicit in genocide and other war crimes and complicity with war crimes is guilt of war crimes. Being an ally of a fascist state and fascist Israeli "Defense" Force troops is a betrayal of our nation.
Soldiers, sailors and air men, you have a choice to make: be a coward and trot off to commit war crimes, or be courageous and resist the fascist putsch now unfolding before us.
There are peace groups that help active duty military members get conscientious objector status and discharge from the military. This is the time for people of honor to get out of the United States military.
ALERT! Know Your Rights Under Trump's Palestine Crackdown & Fascist Putsch:
There are no moral wars. The only justification is the authentic, non-exaggerated, dire necessity of Survival. Typically following a series of fumbles and conflict resolution failures—typically mutual—that end up with the defenders in a corner.