An astounding undercover investigation exposing why rent in the UK has become unaffordable
'The Minister's Millions' is an Al Jazeera deep dive into the global political corruption affecting all our lives.
Investigative journalism may be rare but it exists. I have proof, and I’m in awe.
“In the midst of a historic housing crisis, a tip came into the Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit that a high-ranking politician from Bangladesh might be one the largest private landlords in the UK. The team set about chasing down the information; what’s true, what's not and how this story helped explain why millions of regular people can’t afford to buy.”
The quick version is the video below, but further down is the more intensive 4-part podcast series I recommend because the undercover aspect and sting is more impactful.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Your weekend will be more interesting if you watch all of these, plus you’ll become smarter like I did.
We have to know our enemies.
the UK has long been known as a haven for shady cash. It opens its doors wide, rolls out the carpet and bends over backwards for anyone with tonnes of cash, irrespective of where it comes from… until it is no longer politically convenient - see the whole “oh fuck, we have mountains of russian oligarch money and holiday homes in our cash haven” ludicrousness.
This guy is busy. Oh wow.