We are Julian Assange!
The countdown to the UK's mock justice begins. Politics, not law, will decide Julian and his family's future. But we can take a stand for freedom, his and ours.
I’m sharing my comment on John Mearsheimer’s substack:
The persecution of Julian Assange is a visceral example of the length monsters will go to scare or destroy one of us who refuses to be servant to corrupt power.
We cannot live in a world where most of us think that the only option is to turn the other cheek or bury our eyes in the sand of the false reality created for us.
If you share that belief, then realise that the terrible things done to Julian are happening to us, and are war crimes against our better future.
We are all Julian Assange!
Rage-against-the-empire substackers will make posts and videos for Julian this week. I know it feels like we’re pissing into a hurricane, nevertheless, I beg you to share your favourite with your blind friends and family. Do not let the Public believe the lie that Julian is a criminal - the criminals are the USA and UK ‘governments’.
“It’s now or never. Free Assange. Free us all. His life and the future of journalism depend on it.”
We can certainly see where this is going.Jualian Assange had just been arrested for Wikileakes ,the"Collateral Murder"series was just being talked about in the news when I started collage.
Unfortunately ,it got swept under the rug as Hillary Clinton was making the news with the murder of Lavoy Finigan, and her Urainum One scandal.
My point? If we let the watchers on the wall get punished for warning us that monsters are running the citadel,,then the monsters win..
The game is already far along with the bad guys ahead 20 points to 0.
During WW2 if a German spoke badly about Adolf Hitler, They would likely be shot without a trail.
We have repeated history long enough. Do we dare to let it go down the path to global tyranny?
Good Show, Mike.
Freedom begins with free speech. Without literacy and free speech, we become untermensch and useless eaters herded into the work camps. Resist!