West bombs Yemen for 11th time in 22 days
Warships and fighter jets target Yemen as Israel prepares a land invasion of the Southern Palestinian cities of Khan Younis and Rafah.
9 hours ago, I posted ‘Yemen will NOT back down to the USA’ because I expected them to be the next target of the USA’s new, larger, Middle East operation. 4 hours later, missiles were fired at Yemen for the 11th time in the past 22 days.
According to U.S. Attack Secretary Lloyd Austin, this attack, from from 2 warships and F-18 fighter jets, had 36 targets in 13 kill zones. Austin said:
“We will not hesitate to defend lives and the free flow of commerce in one of the world’s most critical waterways.”
Mick Wallace is an Irishman who is a member of the European Parliament. He previously called for NATO to be disbanded, stating the obvious that’s what anyone against war would do. After midnight last night, he went on X to criticise the USA and the UK for not respecting international law by attacking Yemen.
Australian is one of the countries providing support for the strikes on Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated today that:
“We support the actions of the United States. These are proportionate, retaliatory for the actions of Iran-backed organisations, and they are not an escalation.”
The majority of Americans polled support their country attacking Yemen even though it doesn’t have Congressional approval, most probably don’t know where the country is, and certainly don’t know its history of suffering. That’s the same mindset of South African and Israeli apartheid, racial superiority from a distance because missiles have mostly replaced batons, whips and tear gas.
Mainstream Media (MSM) is locked into the same propaganda narrative e.g. “Iran-linked terrorists” getting their justice desserts in the desert.”
We’re expected to believe that there is irrefutable evidence (conveniently kept secret) that every receiver of an explosion was involved in attacking Israeli, British and American maritime ships.
The inconvenient fact is that the country is divided between three powers because of modern colonialism capitalism:
Ansar Allah a.k.a. the Houthis a.k.a. the “Terrorists” are the only local government, and they control the capital.
The so-called official government, which has the majority of the oil and gas fields, is propped up by Saudi Arabia (and thus the USA and UK).
The secessionist Southern Transitional Council is propped up by the United Arab Emirates (and thus the USA and UK). It controls the largest gas plant, the city of Aden (a strategic maritime port to the Red Sea), and the island of Socotra.
Yesterday, a subscriber shared ‘The UK's century-long war against Yemen’ which details how the country has been destabilised.
The current attack by Western powers, which include logistic and intelligence support from other nations besides the USA and UK, will ultimately assist the occupiers, Saudi Arabia and, mostly, the UAE.
But it’s a catch-22 for Saudi Arabia. It was heading for peace with the Houthis after 7 years of war. Although the ceasefire had ended without a peace deal signed, both sides had kept conflict to a minimum, leaving their doors open to negotiation.
Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s ruler, is hoping to change the direction of his countries economy, and eventually replace oil with tourism and technology. War isn’t good for a nation hoping to be seen as friendly. It also riles up the radically religious who are not happy with his reforms such as cinemas and allowing women to drive.
There isn’t enough information to decide whether the government he props up is currently worth more than his vision for his country, or whether the USA is an ally or betrayer. But if I had to choose, I’d say the latter.
These 3 videos may give you a different perspective of Yemen, or at least fuel you with enough righteous anger that you feel like a “terrorist”.
Yemen is the second most starving nation in the world. 20 million people are hungry. “1.3 million pregnant or nursing women and nearly half of Yemen's children under age 5 — some 2.2 million kids — suffer from acute malnutrition.” 53.2% of children suffer from stunted growth. Many have starved to death, or been born stillborn because of the mother’s lack of nutrition.
The irony of the propaganda machine is that channels such as the BBC are happy to play poverty porn whilst some of the richest governments in the world, including their own, are the cause of the misery.
A better video on the same topic is by Democracy Now! In it, one Yemeni slices through the propaganda machine by asking who is more evil, the countries killing them, or the rebels chanting death to those countries?
The final video shows unique Socotra, the biggest Arab island, the jewel of Yemen, and under occupation by rebels supported by the UAE.
27,000 dead.
Two-thirds of Palestinians in Gaza are now living in the city of Rafah, in the south near Egypt. Most are living in tents. It’s Winter. They’re hungry and thirsty, in need of medicine and a caring world.
It will be worse to be one of the recent amputeed children last night, listening to Israeli fighter jets and drones preparing for a land invasion of Khan Younis that’s meant to reach Rafah, and possibly become the biggest terror so far (because there’s nowhere left to go). Their parents must be hoping that the Houthis and Hezbollah save them.
Or maybe they’ll be ‘lucky’ to be captured like West Bank resident Farouq al-Khateeb was. The photo below is from a recent article by Middle East Eye. After 6 months of imprisonment, Farouq weighed 35kg.
This, and the starvings kids of Yemen remind me of the 1930s, when one race decided it was superior to another, and the West let it happen, causing WW2. I wonder if the Brits and French would’ve always stayed motionless if Hitler had left them alone, that the Americans would’ve done the same if there wasn’t profit to be made, that they all would’ve quietly understood the need to trample those who are less.