What do you want Tucker to ask Putin?
Will Putin unban Mr Bald, a.k.a. Benjamin Rich, so we can watch more Russian travel videos? With that out of the way, we could chat about World War 3.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably not hysterical. You’re not like CNN labelling Tucker Carlson as a traitor, or the Kyiv Post ending an article with the quote that “Tucker Carlson is just a deluded s**t-eating c**t.” You may have a sense of humour.
If you’re reading this, you probably understand why I’m not giving those publications a link credit, and instead wishing for a USA and UK that believe more in diplomacy before and during war, than, respectively, incitement and propaganda.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably like me, wishing that elections are about voting for which grandstanding politicians will be committed to prison or the asylum so that the sociopaths controlling them become more visible to the general Public (those friends, family and co-workers who complain about everything but think you’re nuts for knowing that Republicans, Democrats, the Tories and the Belaboured Party share the ideology of making themselves rich whilst approving legislation for capitalists profiteering off our decline from freedom).
No, I don’t have a bunker or an assault rifle, I will never wear something as idiotic as a MAGA cap, and I don’t believe that Tucker’s my spiritual brother, but I sincerely don’t like being fucked FUCKED, and Tucker’s interview with Putin is a bit like a metaphor for fucking back.
You and I don’t like being told who we can listen to. We will create our own minds!
Before we get to questioning, and I hope you share yours, let’s tidy up the internet dustbin.
I need to ensure that the Tucker/Putin transcript doing the rounds isn’t ChatGPT or the like so I’m not posting it.
Besides, if it’s true, the live broadcast will be more exciting e.g., how many times will Tucker Carlson get Vladimir Putin to grin or wrinkle? Will Tucker look astonished when Putin says something we already know?
It’s more exciting, I tell ya (with a Fargo accent)!
Now, I’m wishing I hadn’t awoken at 3am coughing blood because the X broadcast will be damn late for me.
It’s advertised for 23:00 GMT/UCT. Minus or add the following hours to receive the following message:
“Russia wants the USA to stop its proxy war via NATO and Ukraine so Ukrainians and Russians can stop dying, and return home for sex to the sounds of Ленинград.”
Los Angeles -8
Fargo -6
New York -5
Castle Rock -5 (hi, Stephen)
Rio de Janeiro -3
London 0
Paris +1
Knysna +2
Kyiv +2
Palestine +2
St Petersburg +3
Beijing +8
Sydney +8
Vladivostok +10
Please forgive me if you suffer from oxymorons like daylight saving time, or only have a watch that shows hours 1-12. And if I got the time wrong, don’t forgive me, just correct me.
I’m for hard journalism. Tucker, however, will play softball. Nevertheless, in our era of suppression, there’s great value in hearing the other side (after they’ve been diluted by propaganda or banned).
If the American and European working class had heard all Putin’s messages about peace and Western provocation, it’s probable that millions of Ukrainians would still be in their homes, and several hundred thousand more would be alive. Not least to mention, more Russians too.
I’ve got questions longer than a yin-yang, but will only mention a few in the hope that you add yours in the comment section. Furthermore, in the spirit of Tucker, I’ll keep it light (but not Bud Light).
Who do you consider more of a threat to Ukraine and Russia, Victoria Nuland and James O’Brien, or the Military Industrial Complex? PS: This is a trick question.
What are your reconstruction plans for the area you’ve annexed from Ukraine? What economic future do you plan for those citizens, and how is migration being promoted from other areas of Russia?
How many ex-Ukrainians have accepted and been given citizenship? How are they being integrated e.g., subsidies, housing, job training.
Many young skillful Russians evaded the draft, or left in protest because of the war. So did others such as talented movie directors. I’m sure some countries, such as Georgia where rentals have skyrocketed for locals, wish they’d go back. How will you encourage their return after the war, and ensure that they are welcomed as contributing members of a united society?
Ukraine is headed for a crash. History shows that such situations are taken advantage of by the radicals, those that think nationalism means hating others. After the war, how will you extend a hand past the Banderites to your fellow Slavs?
How has your relationship with Armenia changed, and how can it be improved? Geopolitically, weigh that versus your intended trade route via Azerbaijan?
President Erdogan plays both sides for political convenience. What practical short and medium-term future do you see between Russia and Turkey.
You’ve helped bring in Iran from the cold shoulder of the world. No matter theirs and the USA’s opposing propaganda, the Persians are a force throughout the Middle East. What shared role is there for Iran and Russia to make the Middle East safer?
The destruction of Palestine has been good for Russia in that it pulls the mask off the “defending democracy everywhere” USA. But you and Saudi Arabia look like you’re sitting on the fence. How will you help Palestine beyond useless UN Security Council presentations?
What practical relationship, political and economic, do you seek with my country of South Africa? As it was in the Cold War (which was also hot for us), the Fake Libs have cast you as a demon, and the Fake Commies as a friend. In between, 60 million people deserve a more substantive view.
Do you agree that there are private economic powers greater than some countries, and that they decide foreign policy more than most presidents? If yes, then why does Russia engage with nefariously anti-human organisations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF)?
How will you respond to NATO, or the forces of individual NATO countries, entering Ukraine?
How will you get your $300 billion back?
Most importantly, I wasn’t able to phone into your annual teleconference, but I’m hoping your Mr. Fix-It reputation will be applied to the situation with Mr. Bald, a.k.a. Benjamin Rich. He’s a British dude who loves Russian people in places I’d previously never heard of. Will you find out which officials banned him, and correct that so millions of foreigners like me can continue watching his Russian travel videos?
What are your questions for Putin? Or your answers to mine?
I’m pretty shallow so I’d ask him to grab me some tickets for The Nutcracker this season at the Bolshevik Theatre.
He should ask Mr. Putin to say something non-political that will help us to know him better and keep him in our minds; something about his personal life, his dogs, anything that he particularly likes, new romance, his family's well-being, etc. Even Valentine's day wishes. Does he have a garden, and what does he grow? That kind of thing.