Yemen will NOT back down to the USA
Massive crowd in Yemen wanting their desert guerillas to attack bigger.
Do you think that Biden’s bombs will change opinion or deter action from the Middle East?
I linked to this video on Notes but that doesn’t have as much reach as a Post. I also fear that some people are too lazy or scared of Persians to follow a link to Iranian TV.
So, I ripped the video, betting that the Ayatollah’s too busy to notice me because of little things like the USA, Palestine, Israel, Iraq, and Yemen. But if Substack gets bombed, you know I’m to blame (but I swear I’m not Hot Vanilla’s proxy, and that we’re only collateral damage).
The Yemeni have had years of war, famine and assassination by Americans - hundreds of thousands of dead - yet still turn up to say, “What you’re doing to Palestine is wrong!”
PS: I’m so cynical. What if the USA has eventually made Israel agree to a ceasefire because its backfiring on the Democrats’ election campaign. Then, in order to try hold onto Jewish voters, and win back the desperately needed American Arab vote, his campaigners/donors bombed mostly rubbish bins in Syria and Iraq so that he say he stopped Iran from fighting Israel, and, add the Israeli ceasefire, claim that he one-handedly saved the Middle East? Whoa, what a chess player he would be. Maybe even a member of a Cold War Russian sleeper cell :)
Unity of purpose is powerful.
Ta, as always.
He who crashed his diaper, may be part of a Russia sleeper cell. I think it's mote like gust some puppet of the ruling caste put there to keep the illusion of the government going
Happy weekend Mike.