500 Subscribers – THANK YOU
Making changes and sharing goals as I look forward to the future with you.
Over 500 subscribers. I feel like a marathon runner crossing a finishing line to reach you. I don't have a trainer, wife, or imaginary friend in the sky to thank, so all thanks go to you.
That's why I owe you a controversial explanation for changes I've made. I've stopped following approximately 80 Substackers, deleted and changed recommendations. I'm going to write less and more diversely (but always with a return to the war between the USA and Russia). I also have another substack.
I don’t want Substack to become another Twitter or Facebook. It may be inevitable but I’ll not be part of the problem.
Understanding is key. Too many writers, too many of my favourites, are biased. I can appreciate truth or well-argued opinion whilst generally not buying into crap. But a smart person who writes convincingly yet always from one position can be propaganda. They, for example, are the most popular regarding the war in Ukraine because most readers seek the community of confirmation bias.
If our 10 best substackers, representing one side, put out 150 articles monthly, that has to have an effect on us. It also means that we have less time to discover new voices or topics. There are exceptions, but Substack favours those who got here first and built followers, giants who already had a group on social media, and those they pay to be here. Us newbies are damaged by that, and by Google which either doesn't list us or seems to throttle us.
Popularity is needed to reach an audience, but that can double as a self-made trap.
Most readers are like Trumpers, more into being anti-everything, except always forgiving Trump whichever way his ego farts, than choosing what's worth fighting for. They're a reaction to the crazy liberals, both sides thinking they have a God. Americans, whom I expect are at least half of my subscribers, will only choose ringmasters, clowns, and lions until they leave the circus.
Allowing radical followers to say anything isn't promoting free speech, it's selfishly keeping a subscriber no matter the cost. It risks distraction and irrelevant hate. It dilutes whatever we think we believe.
If a commentator always blames liberals, vaccinations, Jews, or Satan, as happens too often, then they're a nut I don't need. If another writer allows that, then they're likely in this for the money more than the truth. Claiming free speech as an excuse for trollish behaviour is the same as saying that Israel has the right to self-defence whilst it slaughters children in Gaza.
Trolls fucked up social media as much as those that created it. I'm not going to forsake lessons learned there by bringing it here.
I don't support the bigotry movement. I despise that it's disguised as conservatism and family values for the purpose of hijacking the anti-NATO topic. I don't have to hate gays to support Russia having a better argument than the USA. I'm not going to be a fool, and I refuse to be insecure by trading my hard-fought for beliefs for popularity.
Conversely, someone who disagrees whilst making a good point that's on topic must be embraced. Wrong or right, they can be used as a reality check. I accept challenges to my belief but will not sell them.
To seek truth more than followers, I must say things that make some of you uncomfortable. Plus, it's a two-way street. If I'm trying to open windows for you, you must be able to see me. Unlike many popular substackers, I'm using my real name (and these pictures are me).
Deleting recommendations was tough.
I may once have been bigger but accept that I’m a late arrival and thus lightweight on Substack. Consequently, I’m pleased to have sent approximately 200 subscribers to John Mearsheimer, Chis Hedges, Larry Johnson, Seymour Hersh, Andrew Sullivan, Aaron Mate, and Geopolitical Economy.
Despite only being a fly in the big-big sky, I want to give some smaller Substackers a chance against the search algorithm.
Alternatively, I can temporarily replace one giant with another. Chris Hedges is dear to my heart for his fight for Julian Assange, but, for a while, I can replace him with the courageous Stella Assange.
I enjoy Simplicius the Thinker's deep dives but, for example, I can read an article from Karl Sanchez, Edward Slavsquat and Karen Gordo in the same amount of time. Similarly, I can switch a daily writer for several who post weekly.
It makes sense to support someone who interacts. That's nearer a real conversation, and better than one-way worship. At least Larry Johnson has occasionally responded to my emails and my comments on his page and invited me to post links in his comment section. The same applies to Ioan Grillo and Propaganda in Focus, the pages I’m currently most excited about.
Honest Media Guide has 43 substacker recommendations plus many more outside. It's a goldmine of education so please visit and share.
I seek writers with different angles instead of reinforcement. Rules only have worth of they apply to all. If I don't add new topics into the mix, take a break from me.
Unsubscribing was hell, and felt like betrayal, but I need more time if I’m to write better and have time to myself. I kept on saying that I was going to write about Zelensky but didn’t. Alone, the sitrep I was delivering was a full day’s work 7 days per week. And then it’d only get as many views as something that took two hours.
Gaza is a horror show that rips me apart. But to be knowledgeable instead of reactionary, would require dedication at the expense of Ukraine. Then I’d be like the media who replaced Iraq with Afghanistan, Afghanistan with Syria, Syria with Ukraine, and Ukraine with Israel.
The original purpose of this Substack was the series ‘Putin Isn’t the Only Monster in Ukraine’. I got distracted and need to accept my limitations. I’m not letting Ukraine and Russia go. I’m going to make quicker posts until year’s end, so that I can sort the over 1000 notes I’ve made the past 2 years following the war. From January, I will monthly post one major article in the series, exploring Erdogan, the Bidens, biolabs, gas fields etc.
I’ll do a smaller sitrep bi-monthly, and recommend documentaries etc. I’ll occasionally crosspost someone’s magnificent article.
Before I attempt a schedule, I’ve got housekeeping. I’ll go small about Syria, large about how the USA is bullying South Africa, and share an old thought of mine as my rented home burnt down. As I did for Palestine and Israel, I’ll share a bigger list of the best Russian and Ukrainian movies and documentaries in the hope you seek understanding through culture.
Next year, the focus may be Ukraine but my Substack reading will include South America because its unfair how that troubled continent has mostly being ignored by the West.
I read the length of several books online weekly, but that’s not the same as reading a comprehensive book. Consequently, starting next year, I’ve promised myself at least two books monthly, and a 5am daily podcast episode (of series I missed this year).
If you're new or missed them, I'd appreciate you visiting these pages. The first so you know a bit about me and my South Africa, and the others because earlier articles received less views (and I believe they’re still relevant and worthy of your attention).
I may be writing less on this page but will breathe more into Wicked Ghosts. That’s my creative poetry, movies, music etc. It’s self-indulgent, more a history of me than my wiser/older self, but I'll try make you think, and occasionally rock your sensibilities. I know you can’t resist a polished turd - bwah ha ha!
From next year, I’ll post my country movie recommendations there. I’m thinking of calling them Hello China, Hello Iceland, Hello Turkey etc.

Let me end as I began. Thank you!
Sometimes adjustments just make sense as we understand the situation better. Thanks for sharing your process.
Congratulations. I understand what you’re conveying. It’s counterproductive to read many Substacks on the same topic. I find many of the writers posting on Ukraine are all getting their basic material from the same sources then adding their own “spin”. I suspect it’s going to become that way regarding the Middle East as well. Africa is not touched upon much so that will be welcomed. You do branch into other areas as well with a unique approach.