Well, in the scheme of the empire Packastan plays many Important roles. Chaotic to the extreme, and the unfriendly neighbor of Iran, it is a launchpad for Spooks & Spys Inc.

Packastans' nuclear warheads make it a wildcard in global politics. Fortunately their leader have the Paid for by the CIA brand on their wallets.

Thanks for the good film Mike.

I'm sad to hear of your plans to go dormant. Is it kangaroo season down there?

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I cannot comprehend Pakistan. It's one of those places we'd need to live to understand.

No kangaroos in South Africa, but occasionally ostriches and sardines, and always protestors.

Not dormant, just less after 24th.

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I feel so badly for Imran Khan, and I hope he's able to regain power soon.

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The biggest persecution of a public leader happening in the fifth most populous country yet the world is silent.

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He seems like such an incredible leader too. So sad and I hope he gets to be the leader again soon. I so resent the meddling of the USA in the affairs of other countries.

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