Most people I know are indifferent to what's happening with wars in Gaza and Ukraine and sadly tend to accept what's reported on BBC news by the likes of Steve Rosenberg, David Aaronovitch, Jonny Dymond and others who present a one-sided view. Real journalists like John Pilger are never invited on news programmes nowadays. A few will express concern but feel helpless to take any kind of action.

So many distractions and now the main focus is on Christmas (which is ironic considering its true meaning instead of what it has been turned into by greedy corporations)! Others I can only think the truth is so horrific that they don't want to face it! My Facebook posts get very little response and Twitter (X) now don't allow us to identify anyone who "likes" a post which means we can't follow them. Despite following and setting up alerts for Chris Hedges, George Galloway and other speakers of truth, I don't now get those alerts so have to search, which results in missing much of what they have to say.

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Thanks for the big comment.

People may do nothing, which includes refusing to educate themselves, but still have opinions. Did anyone you know change their mind on both Israel and Ukraine? I asked, wondering as to cognitive dissonance and bias, that they could hold separate and opposing opinions.

You mentioned three good people.

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Sadly, most people just don't care. They go about their lives ,batch about the price of food and health insurance and are obvious to the world .. They just don't care. I think they all feel powerless. So what to do?

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Powerless exists, for sure, but I've always felt that selfishness exists more.

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Lots of people I know.

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You surprise me. Wonderful.

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