What Professor O'Brien and most other fools of his ilk, who have Never served in the military tend to forget to mention, is that the Russians are advancing, contrary to the Ukrainians who are either dug in, or had every opportunity to dig in.
It is generally accepted in military circles that an attacking force such as that of Russia would suffer three times as many casualties, as the defending force, i.e the Ukraine, which is Not the case.
The Russians throughout the conflict have maintained an average casualty ratio of one eighth that of the Ukrainian forces, which means that while they may appear to the Ignorant to be plodding, they are applying a methodology which saves the lives of their troops whilst advancing systematically, without leaving them exposed to pockets of resistance within the areas they have captured, or subject to potential flank attack.
This confirms that the Primary Russian objective is not to gain mass tracts of territory in a short space of time, at the expense of their troops, but to rather atrit the Ukrainian forces, and the territory will come by itself.
General Patton is purported to have said to his troops during WWII, "don't die for your country, make the other bugger die for his", and the Russians have taken this advice to heart, having learnt something from the Soviet experience of WWII.
Great comment. The Russian side value its lives. The Americans value theirs. The Americans do NOT value Ukrainian lives. In fact, the Russians value Ukrainian lives more than NATO does.
The utter callousness of the mass deaths on both sides, and the seeming lack of care about the human consequences to the US/Nato's machinations around the world is horrifying.
And every bigot has crawled out of the rotting woodwork to masquerade their hate under an ideological side, with morality getting stomped on even more.
“Let’s divert our last, most experienced, reserve forces to a diversion too far away from the main enemy advance to have any possible contribution to that main thrust. Make sure to go heavy with motorized mechanized and armored vehicles so that most of the remaining ones can be destroyed and the rest abandoned when we run out of gas.”
I see that 6:1 casualty rate favoring Russia and it still boggles. They have been on the offensive against fortified positions in a new type of war where ISR is instantly transmitted to the kill chain and targets in the open are destroyed in real time with the help of AI for identification and targeting.
America brought this war on for money but is going to be devastated when they learn that they have taught the enemy to fight a modern war by sending all their vaunted NATO equipment to the other side of the world to be blown up and buried in the mud of the Donbas.
Have we learned nothing. I’m afraid I know the answer.
They're great lyrics, but unfortunately Sting is ambiguous in life. I'm unsure how to balance his speech at the Warsaw concert with him re-releasing his song 'Russians' for Ukraine. Maybe he was a young man who made terrific songs, and is now an old man knowing where his butter is.
Sadly, this war changes the world with its technology. I wouldn't want to be a soldier, but would a young human whose addicted to gadgets realise his future as blood in the mud.
"America brought this war on for money but is going to be devastated when they learn that they have taught the enemy to fight a modern war by sending all their vanted NATO equipment to the other side of the world to be blown up and buried in the mud of the Donbas"
I once wrote in another comment here on Substack with regards to America and labelled them "the Emperor wears no clothes".. with this your take highlighted above, I need to further Edit that to "the Emperor strips itself naked in full glare of the world by its own hands"... The fuck is America thinking or doing these days?
I, with horror, agree with you. I'm going to be lazy and copy what I just said to Scott which was: "I wouldn't want to be a soldier, but would a young human whose addicted to gadgets realise his future as blood in the mud."
Off topic but...
I don't support American politics, which is a lie in both directions.
I don't do Alex Jones.
I support writers who do seek truth without the flash.
What Professor O'Brien and most other fools of his ilk, who have Never served in the military tend to forget to mention, is that the Russians are advancing, contrary to the Ukrainians who are either dug in, or had every opportunity to dig in.
It is generally accepted in military circles that an attacking force such as that of Russia would suffer three times as many casualties, as the defending force, i.e the Ukraine, which is Not the case.
The Russians throughout the conflict have maintained an average casualty ratio of one eighth that of the Ukrainian forces, which means that while they may appear to the Ignorant to be plodding, they are applying a methodology which saves the lives of their troops whilst advancing systematically, without leaving them exposed to pockets of resistance within the areas they have captured, or subject to potential flank attack.
This confirms that the Primary Russian objective is not to gain mass tracts of territory in a short space of time, at the expense of their troops, but to rather atrit the Ukrainian forces, and the territory will come by itself.
General Patton is purported to have said to his troops during WWII, "don't die for your country, make the other bugger die for his", and the Russians have taken this advice to heart, having learnt something from the Soviet experience of WWII.
Great comment. The Russian side value its lives. The Americans value theirs. The Americans do NOT value Ukrainian lives. In fact, the Russians value Ukrainian lives more than NATO does.
"In fact, the Russians value Ukrainian lives more than NATO does."
Absolutely a war of attrition, and Russia's 4 to 1 (or 10 to 1) artillery/missile advantage helps lessen that 3 to 1 casualty ration.
Not least to mention that Ukraine rushed into Vovchansk as if it never learned from Bakhmut.
Russia has had awful losses, but Ukraine's is multiples of that.
Thanks for this write up.
The utter callousness of the mass deaths on both sides, and the seeming lack of care about the human consequences to the US/Nato's machinations around the world is horrifying.
Everything in the pursuit of power.
And every bigot has crawled out of the rotting woodwork to masquerade their hate under an ideological side, with morality getting stomped on even more.
“Let’s divert our last, most experienced, reserve forces to a diversion too far away from the main enemy advance to have any possible contribution to that main thrust. Make sure to go heavy with motorized mechanized and armored vehicles so that most of the remaining ones can be destroyed and the rest abandoned when we run out of gas.”
I see that 6:1 casualty rate favoring Russia and it still boggles. They have been on the offensive against fortified positions in a new type of war where ISR is instantly transmitted to the kill chain and targets in the open are destroyed in real time with the help of AI for identification and targeting.
America brought this war on for money but is going to be devastated when they learn that they have taught the enemy to fight a modern war by sending all their vaunted NATO equipment to the other side of the world to be blown up and buried in the mud of the Donbas.
Have we learned nothing. I’m afraid I know the answer.
Young men, soldiers, nineteen fourteen
Marching through countries they'd never seen
Virgins with rifles, a game of charades
All for a children's crusade
Pawns in the game are not victims of chance
Strewn on the fields of Belgium and France
Poppies for young men, death's bitter trade
All of those young lives betrayed
The children of England would never be slaves
They're trapped on the wire and dying in waves
The flower of England face down in the mud
And stained in the blood of a whole generation
Corpulent generals safe behind lines
History's lessons drowned in red wine
Poppies for young men, death's bitter trade
All of those young lives betrayed
All for a children's crusade
They're great lyrics, but unfortunately Sting is ambiguous in life. I'm unsure how to balance his speech at the Warsaw concert with him re-releasing his song 'Russians' for Ukraine. Maybe he was a young man who made terrific songs, and is now an old man knowing where his butter is.
Sadly, this war changes the world with its technology. I wouldn't want to be a soldier, but would a young human whose addicted to gadgets realise his future as blood in the mud.
“May you live long enough to renounce everything you once believed in” - Fake Saying
Great Saying.
"America brought this war on for money but is going to be devastated when they learn that they have taught the enemy to fight a modern war by sending all their vanted NATO equipment to the other side of the world to be blown up and buried in the mud of the Donbas"
I once wrote in another comment here on Substack with regards to America and labelled them "the Emperor wears no clothes".. with this your take highlighted above, I need to further Edit that to "the Emperor strips itself naked in full glare of the world by its own hands"... The fuck is America thinking or doing these days?
The USA may be weakened by its actions but the USA is disposable like Israel. The multinationals are making their profit.
Not a children’s crusade the average age for Ukranian solders in this war is over 40.
May that become a lesson to those middle-aged substackers who think war is entertainment to comment on.
Thanks for the news update on the war
Mike. It's amazing to see how drones changed the battlefield.
Like the Gatling gun,once used ,now they are everywhere.
This war is such a waste , the soldiers and civilians die,while the leaders safely hid in mansions far away.
I, with horror, agree with you. I'm going to be lazy and copy what I just said to Scott which was: "I wouldn't want to be a soldier, but would a young human whose addicted to gadgets realise his future as blood in the mud."
Mud,like snow is something all soldiers curse.
I'm glad I've already done my time in it
I’m sorry that you have.
Well written and interesting!
Thank you.
I see that its coming true even quicker than I expected.