Dear Readers, this is our 2nd anniversary
This website began two years ago. A lot of people have died since then.
“I'm going to try make you as uncomfortable as I feel.”
Those were my first words to you on this website, 2 years ago. Hardly anyone read it, but we’ve grown together, and are now 1,548 strong.
There was steady growth when I wrote about NATO’s war in Ukraine, but slowed as I related the suffering of Palestinians. Let’s call that subscription culling because only those who believe in universal human rights should be here.
Before several of us writers band together to deliver you a series on Israel, take a trip with me down memory lane to when I was still developing my position on Russia, to post #1 of 449.
It was interesting to read that first post I have your chutzpah and an unhealthy love of confrontation, but not your ability to construct sentences. Reading your work has been a pleasure.
Strong opening words.
I'm not a birthday or anniversary guy except for occasions like this 🍻