Damn Mike, it's been two years? You are definitely part of a growing network.

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Does this mean I'm nearer to retirement? Oh, to be an optimist...

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It'll be a while yet. We're adapting and as Caitlin Johnstone says we're creative. It's having an effect. Bloggers with our mindset are getting kicked off Google and YouTube so they move to Rumble, Bitchute and Telegram. Of course the froggies arested the owner. Blogger's homes are raised by the FBI. They call us Information Terrorists.

If we're getting flack it means we're over the target. We're blowing holes in their Narrative. They can't stand it!

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Raided, not 'raised'. Damn autocorrect!

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A subscriber tried to share one of my articles on 3 of her Facebook profiles - not happening.

Collectively, thousands of us, maybe tens of thousands, are pricking the narrative, but never underestimate the Mass Public's desire to pretend everything's ok.

Two days ago, I was watching the hectic 'Total Trust' documentary, about activists punished in China. Residents get angry when someone makes them look bad e.g., trying to do good instead of simply obeying authority. Hell, they lose 50 points on their social score if they send a complaint to the State. So imagine how bad it is when the police abduct your husband and retain him for years for no valid reason. Do you petition the State when you know your child will suffer?

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Strong opening words.

I'm not a birthday or anniversary guy except for occasions like this 🍻

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I don't do birthdays, weddings, funerals or Public holidays, but I'm overly reflective.

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It was interesting to read that first post I have your chutzpah and an unhealthy love of confrontation, but not your ability to construct sentences. Reading your work has been a pleasure.

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I've long wanted to be a constructor of reality - thank you.

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