Yeah. Everywhere. The road to hell is paved with PFAS.

I’m kind of resigned to the fact that Cancer will be part of my life. If it isn’t, great, but odds are quite heavily stacked.

Does anyone need another example of just how fucked the corporate system is?

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Yeah, my mom died from it, and I wonder if I have it.

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Fingers crossed not. My da had it too. It wasn’t what got him in the end. I hope your mum didn’t suffer too much eh.

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She suffered a lot, cut off a lot of her face. Doctors made a fortune when they should've been making her comfortable. An aunt I haven't seen in a long time, is tragically in a coma from it at the moment. A cousin I never met died from it this week. Sadly, they and your dad (whom I hope had some grace), are, as you implied, the future for many.

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