Morally, it's easy for me to take a position, but harder understanding the people I’m against.
The underdevelopment of Genie, the feral child, is proof of the consequences of being uneducated. That must apply, in part, to being miseducated.
If a girl is kidnapped in Nigeria to be a sex slave, should she be loved or condemned after rescue. Somehow, us righteous folk battle to deliver the same answer for a kidnapped boy taught to be a killing machine.
I wish we were all Coloured, but that's contrasted by culture sometimes acting as defence from violence, thus smearing my belief in equality. My thoughts on universal human definition means dick when surrounded by tribes. e.g., the Americans versus the Russians, and 50,000 Ukrainians dying monthly because they never stuck with their Slavic tribe.
Morals are convenient. Facts are awkward. Am I conveniently awkward, or awkwardly convenient? I may not be a fan of their kind, but it's unsurprising that most humans try not to think too much.
Lest it be too easy for me to point philosophy at foreigners, let me use my home…
If the dollar collapsed and snapped the back of my half-unemployed South Africa, we could spiral into unrest worse than civil war because there would be many sides.
The rich and middle class of any colour would face the tribe of the poor. Zulus would fight the Xhosa etc. Lumped into the minority Whites (7%), I'd be in survival trouble, and more so as a disassociated 'Englishman' than a fraternal Afrikaner.
My human rights and anti-racism beliefs would mean shit.
That’s violence by default.
Choice is the opposite of default, but can also damage i.e., by choosing the Tribe of Zion, Israelis have both wounded themselves and joined their WW2 killers as company in history.
In the case of The West versus the Middle East, my mind isn't cloudy, and the apathy of others is unforgivable.
A Mount Zion of victims casts shadow on me. Give me the fucking sun!


I find it difficult to believe that there are still people out there who can look at these photos and Not feel pity, or ashamed in the least, let alone justify the continued attrocities against women and children.
Do they deliberately turn a blind eye to what their eyes are seeing, or is it their argument that these photos are somehow "Propaganda", and not a true reflection of actual events, in either the Gaza or Lebanon or potentially even the Ukraine.
You have to be a very sick SOB or have a very low IQ to put forward an irrational and heartless justification for imposing suffering with the intention to kill women and children.