Heavens Mike...how absolutely awful. Everything I could possibly say would sound horribly trite after all that. What a blessing so many survived.

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Government sucked, most of the rich were silent, some people upped their rentals, property developers salivated, crooked politicians got recast as saviours... but there was a pocket of amazing people doing the best for those needing help. I was thrice given accommodation, received takkies that an American had taken off his own feet to give to a tatooist who'd converted his shop into a donations store, got a microwave and a money from a temporary charity etc. In turn, I helped people, directing donations, fighting for the truth. Overall, good and bad memories. Unfortunately, overall, a situation of loss, especially for those tragic people who couldn't afford to pay insurance on their indebted houses after the USA's 2008 crash damaged our tourism economy for the long-term.

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Jan 7Liked by Mike Hampton

These disasters seem to bring out the best and worst. Unfortunately way too much of the later. An incredible tragedy. I can only hope I could come through such an event as well as you seem to have.

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I had an attitude before the fire :)

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What a nightmare! So sorry about the loss and trauma you and your neighbours experienced.

Last year so much of the province where I live was burned by wildfire, and our little region was somehow spared, so I can relate to the fear if not the actuality.

I hope we can collectively manage to restore our systems, and spare ourselves and each other of this kind of trauma.

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When we leave it alone, Nature remarkably builds itself. We, however, are often the opposite.

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