Israel: The Downfall
Internally and externally, economically and ideologically, Israel is suffering.
"A Jewish state with borders and an army runs counter to the essential nature of Judaism, and I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain. I should much rather see agreement with the Arabs on living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state." - Albert Einstein (1938)
Israel has damaged itself, inside and out.
Current war has cost $120 billion
Tourism sector especially injured, contradicting the uptick of dark tourism and a sunny international propaganda campaign.
The established tech industry has been resilient, but not its future because “half of start-ups have lost investments”. Those situated in Northern Israel, along the Lebanon border, will relocate to safer but more expensive locations. Some will leave the country.
Less immigrants and more emigrants equals brain drain. Importing Indian menial workers and considering African soldiers is the desperate replacement of racism and inequality.
Investment requires stability which cannot be guaranteed.
Israel’s tax base will shrink.
Traditionally, Israel grows stronger after conflict, but is challenged by larger reconstruction, family compensation costs, and military replenishment. It faces bitter internal politics, an angry citizenry that'll be overtaxed, greater corporate control, vengeful neighbours with improved weapons, international reputation loss, an emboldened BDS movement, and potential sanctions (though the latter three will be tempered by the short memory of Media-directed Westerners).
There’ll always be opportunists but stealing Palestinian land will be less popular with the possibility of Hezbollah’s missiles arriving again. Criminal confidence requires more weaponry, which means more money.
Failure will convert Netanyahu and his fanatical partners into historical villains, but that’ll not be the end of their negativity. An ideology having power removed is arguably more imprinting than never having it - resentment will fester.
Opposingly, more international Jews are speaking against Zionism, and thus Judaism will strengthen in attempt to shake off its association with Zionism. Inside, refuseniks (those opposing compulsory military service) will grow. Families will divide, and the State weaken.
The USA is determined to keep its empire, so it’ll keep subsidizing Israel, but the amount will be dependent on its ability to protect the fiction of the dollar.
Whether there's peace with Palestine or war with Lebanon, national recession is coming.
The impregnability myth is dead.
Israel's (non-economic) consolation is the greater suffering of Palestinians, Lebanese and Yemenese.
About the Writer: South African anti-corruption activist S.L.A.P.P.ed into silence by politicians despite rulings in his favour by Parliament and the Office of the Public Protector. Standing against propaganda fueling wars for profit and inequality.
Disclaimer & Statement: This is one article in a series by writers who do not share all opinions and approaches, but strongly agree that human rights is universal, and that the genocide in Palestine must be stopped.
A concise overview of why Zionist Israel is doomed. What is also not taken into account, although Chris Hedges touched on it in an article, is the inevitable violent toxicity of Israeli culture and society because they have been brainwashed in bigotry, fear and hatred for so long.
After three generations brainwashed to fear and hate non-Jews in general and Palestinians, in particular, and to subject them to levels of sadistic cruelty and bestial savagery which can only psychologically and emotionally damage those doing it, in ways which will impact their family, friends and society, the Israelis are psychologically damaged beyond repair. There are a few exceptions but there are always a few exceptions and they are not enough to save the State.
Israelis have become monsters and when monsters are not attacking those defined as enemy, they will be attacking each other. Levels of rape, murder, torture among Israelis are already high and can only increase. We can see it in the fact that the Israeli soldiers are making videos of their atrocities, thereby demonstrating they are devoid of conscience, intelligence, humanity and reason.
If Israel were an individual it would have been locked up long ago to protect itself and others.
It's important for citizens in the empire to realize many Jews opposed the Zionist cast of the Israeli state from the beginning, as the opening quote from Albert Einstein illustrates. Today we have courageous Jewish intellectuals and authors like Norman Finkelstein, Tony Greenstein and Gabor Mate and journalists like Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal and Katy Halper. They have all showed moral clarity and bravery taking on the Zionist machine.
Israel appears to be collapsing under the weight of its hate and arrogance and the sludge of Zionist fascism. Much can also be said for its vassal state and funder .... the United States.