Keep the results and run this poll for US about September.

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Just in case one of them dies...

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In the best scenario both would die but we can’t have nice things.

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We will always have someone who said "We will always have Paris."

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You should have put on EU same option "I will not vote" as in US...

If you read the democracy and legal issues of EU Institutions, you'll understand why that option is important to many including me.

I want and I'll try to put together more authors to write about it and push not brainwashed EU Citizens to boycott Elections. Because they are illegal, not democratic and based on Treaties signed by some old politicians. There was not a Constituent Assembly to propose to EU Citizens a common Constitution to vote for on which, as in any western democratic country or federation of, you build the so called Democratic Institutions: Parliament, Government, President or any other political Institution that represent all EU Countries.

Most of the actual ones are NOT ACCOUNTABLE by those rules or Treaties so...

Are we talking about democratic elections here or Nazi or Fascist old times elections?

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You make good point and I should have phrased my intro better. I've been tired of late, and fill of mistakes.

I agree with you that the EU should go. Whereas I was asking who people would vote for in the UK and USA, with the South African and EU polls I was asking what you think will happen. Because something will happen no matter how much we don't like it.

My main interest is that the war in Ukraine doesn't expand, and instead ends. Conservative gains could help that happen. Thereafter, the Conservatives will likely be as rotten as the Libs - the future is history repeating. It's like the fight against the West's "rules based order", in that the antagonists aren't trying to eradicate but simply better reposition themselves higher in structures such as the UN.

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I did pay attention to your intro, but who are Conservative in EU? The Socialdemocratic Group or the Popular Christian Group? Or the Greens?

Europe is not United at all and whoever will have a majority nothing is going to change, it's the USA style exported in Europe: no matter if Trump wins or Rep wins, the policies will be the same and particularly the Foreign Policies. Who started this century wars? The Conservative, the US Republicans with Bush Jr, Cheney and all of those neo Con criminals or I should say Nazi as they acted worst than Nazi.

Take Germany: is this Government more or less Conservative than Merckell one? I would say much more or the same. Germans have switched back to Nazi mode, just look how the Police reacted to protests for Gaza or look at how much they helped Neo Nazi Ukrainians since before the war. Today's Nazi are on Isreal side, no doubt!

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US reader here, and I agree with your Trump vote rationale, but I can't bring myself to vote for him.

He'll probably win, and fine; the plot of our decline will have blips one way or the other, but I'll go for Kennedy.

I've voted for Dems as the lesser of two evils since 1988, but I'm done now (because of the State Dept and military--and Biden might keel over). Because yeah, it's the same shit, and not even that much of a different government.

I'm a huge fan. Keep it up!

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Trump is symbolic of how far the US has gone off the rails. That people think he's a hero no matter how much he does wrong, and clearly only for himself, is a psychologist's wet dream.

The mistake his haters make is in thinking its all about him and dumb Americans. Good people have always been led astray, normally out of desperation because their government has failed them. And government is not in the hands of the likes of Biden and Trump who are merely arseholes in comparison to the money that controls the system, and does its best to make us dumber, more hateful and distracted.

Kennedy, for me, a big letdown. That man of intelligence became slippery, and although I saw him as the least of the evils, his position on Palestine is unforgivable. But I get it, you have to make a choice in a rigged system, and although he may be another foreign monster, at least, we hope, he'll raise local issues such as covid etc. if he gets a position.

Note that when I wish Trump to harm your country, us little countries will also be greatly affected. But I think we're already screwed, just moving more slowly. We can, at least, wish more balanced lives and minds for the little ones when they grow up to hopefully be less cynical.

Thanks for your comment.

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