The USSA has grown so much that it is goimg to collapse under its own weight and you can not blame gravity for this.

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USSA? Union of Soviet Successful America :)

Yep, we can't blame gravity but we can blame Big Macs, Kardashian butt surgeries, corn syrup, real estate speculators, Coca Cola, CEO bonuses, sugar breakfasts, stock buy backs, mass shootings, arms dealing, exceptionalism...

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USSA because with operation paperclip they took 1600 top nazi scientists after WW II to form NASA and CIA, so the SS points at the nazi SS.

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Consider the German Nazis installed in high positions in NATO when it was formed in 1948. It dovetails with Paperclip.

It seems the USA picked up where the Nazis left off in 1945.

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They definitely did.

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Hilarious 😂

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"...half a million dead Iraqis..."

The Iraqis, as I'm sure you're aware, are not alone in their frustration for wanting to assist in morality studies. And 'probably' is not the best adverb to describe the attitude of the Exceptional in their aversion to morality studies.

I certainly agree the Russia's policy positions are both serious and fascinating, but I'm not quite sure I understand what your point about them, apart from them being serious and fascinating, is. Am I missing something by not comparing how you've rearranged them 'for order and effect' with the original at https://www.un.org/en/ga/78/meetings/?

I've had a look at Karl Sanchez’s work. Wow, that's a LOT of reading. It would take me hours and hours. I guess I'm just not bright enough for stuff like that. Never mind.

In this case, of course, I should be fittingly grateful to you for chomping through it and condensing it for the less readingly inclined, like myself; and I am — thank you!

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My pleasure. Copying and pasting made it seem less chronological so I changed the order but not the words nor intent. It saves a lot of time for those who will never read the comprehensible original which, as you noted, takes time... and I follow a lot of people like Karl so there's a multiplication factor.

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Yeah, but it's A LOT of work.

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If Russia survives an all out war with NATO this winter, we may see a smaller impact of the USA on a global basis 🤔

That would be good for all of us.

It seems unlikely though.

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"It seems unlikely though."

I disagree; I believe it's MORE than likely. In fact, I've never had any doubt it's a done deal.

Well, OK, there were a couple of months, early in 2023, when I was afraid the Russians might not pull themselves together but that soon passed. Certainly, by the time a couple of weeks of June that year had passed, and it was undeniable the much-vaunted and long-awaited 'counter-'offensive had failed, there really wasn't much room for doubt: the Russians had thrashed all three shades of shit out of the Americans in the Ukraine. They still haven't recovered, nor do I believe there's any plausible chance of them doing so now.

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I've urged everyone that'll listen to actually listen to a Putin interview, or Lavrov statement (not to mention the words of lovely Maria), and not one has taken me up on it.

It's impossible to support the Ukraine and NATO in this if you're at all aware of actual, real-life history.

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This mass death relies on the citizens of the profiteers only listening to one side.

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