Thanks for sharing, Mike. God bless and Happy New Year.
Have to say, I am looking forward to seeing the response of all the wealthy people who've been voting for shit leadership like true progressives, but now have had those choices have consequences. Like losing their uninsured houses.
I'm guessing they will be reconsidering voting for 9 angry lesbians on the zoning commission.
I knew a lot of lesbians. Most were cool, only one angry, and all human. However, even hetero zoning commissioners are oft despised, like lawyers and politicians. As for wealthy Democrats, of course they're bitching (the traffic jam was awful). The descent of a party is best begun from the inside.
A wise and very intelligent Catholic priest said to me many years ago when he was my truly brilliant Editor, "People make the mistake of thinking when they reject their religion they must reject their spirituality." He also believed that everyone should reject their religion at some point if they were to be true to it in any return.
We have spiritual qualities as human beings, for which religions have been invented to both explore and exploit. The best of religions is admirable and the worst horrific. But one could say the same things about any system, whether Communism or Capitalism, Science or Medicine, Democracy or Tyranny.
But, one thing is certain, we all have to find our own way to what makes Life work for us.
Thanks for sharing, Mike. God bless and Happy New Year.
Have to say, I am looking forward to seeing the response of all the wealthy people who've been voting for shit leadership like true progressives, but now have had those choices have consequences. Like losing their uninsured houses.
I'm guessing they will be reconsidering voting for 9 angry lesbians on the zoning commission.
I knew a lot of lesbians. Most were cool, only one angry, and all human. However, even hetero zoning commissioners are oft despised, like lawyers and politicians. As for wealthy Democrats, of course they're bitching (the traffic jam was awful). The descent of a party is best begun from the inside.
A wise and very intelligent Catholic priest said to me many years ago when he was my truly brilliant Editor, "People make the mistake of thinking when they reject their religion they must reject their spirituality." He also believed that everyone should reject their religion at some point if they were to be true to it in any return.
We have spiritual qualities as human beings, for which religions have been invented to both explore and exploit. The best of religions is admirable and the worst horrific. But one could say the same things about any system, whether Communism or Capitalism, Science or Medicine, Democracy or Tyranny.
But, one thing is certain, we all have to find our own way to what makes Life work for us.