You said it was shot before the war. Is that 2014 or 2022? I presume 2014.
Ukraine is #4 in mineral resources yet the poorest nation in Europe. Ukraine is one of the the most corrupt nations in the world. Ukraine is the World Capital of Neo-Naziism. Beauty is skin deep.
I disagree on the "skin deep" comparison. Nature is beautiful, and all Ukrainians aren't NATO or Azov clones.
I sympathise because corruption there is like it is in my country. We should be exceptionally rich yet its all been stolen. Our Reserve Bank won;t allow an audit so we have to assume 120 years of gold is gone.
Plus with Tom Cruise ('Oblivion'), Russell Crow ('The Water Diviner'), and Pierce Brosnan ('The November Man').
The two I haven't seen that I should are 'A Perfect Day' (Spanish/Serbian movie with Benicio Del Toro and Tim Robbins), and her first movie which is apparently bizarre, 'The Ring Finger' (doubt that's streaming anywhere) And purely for my interest in Ukraine, 'Land of Oblivion'.
Yeah, hot. I don't watch many movies because I don't want Hollywood to get my money. The only one I saw from dvd is Oblivion. I'll make exceptions for sci-fi. I prefer foreign movies and don't mind reading subtitles.
Excellent. I'll never miss Christopher Nolan and David Fincher, and find joy in indie American movies (especially weird or unfamous), but foreign movies is as close as I get to love. Want a Ukrainian movie? Look for 'I Work at the Cemetery'. Funny, clever and eventually meaningful. I reckon several countries may remake that into their language.
A couple of weeks ago I made cabbage soup from a Russian/Ukrainian recipe I found online. Olga is like the rest I mentioned, hot and no accents. They're American as Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner.
I make Beet Borsht and Green Borsht. I can't find Sorrel for my Green Borsht so I use Spinach. Both are vegetarian because of my diet restrictions, no red meat or processed meat. However, I gotta live so I cheat now and then.
I just finished watching the movie. It was the antithesis of everything I imagined Ukraine was like. It’s beautiful. During the last part of the movie he’s shooting in the areas that the fighting is going on now. All the towns and villages he discussed were names I’d heard in the war synopsis programs. It’s hard to imagine those places just being razed to the ground now. I wonder what’s going to be left of the country when this is over. Really sad!
Thank you, Daniel. I'm pleased that one person commented on the video itself.
He never show much of the east because of the civil war, but it is, indeed, very sad that so much will have been destroyed. I would have loved to have seen the forests there.
The trouble is, now that I know that he is a Nazi apologist, I don't want to watch the film. Can anyone watch 'Triumph of the Will' without feeling nauseous? I know that the Ukraine film won't be quite so blatant, but when you know what other bilge accompanies someone's love for their country, it's impossible to unknow it.
How very sad. It sounds like a beautiful movie.
It is. Jump 10 minutes in and watch for 5 minutes...
You said it was shot before the war. Is that 2014 or 2022? I presume 2014.
Ukraine is #4 in mineral resources yet the poorest nation in Europe. Ukraine is one of the the most corrupt nations in the world. Ukraine is the World Capital of Neo-Naziism. Beauty is skin deep.
2022 but your 2014 point is valid.
I disagree on the "skin deep" comparison. Nature is beautiful, and all Ukrainians aren't NATO or Azov clones.
I sympathise because corruption there is like it is in my country. We should be exceptionally rich yet its all been stolen. Our Reserve Bank won;t allow an audit so we have to assume 120 years of gold is gone.
Excellent on all your points. I can't disagree.
"The documentary was shot just before the second phase of the war, when Russia entered Ukraine (2022)."
Thanx for the clarification.
Two hot Ukrainian imports are Mila Jovovitch and Mila Kunis. They achieved the dream of so many beautiful Ukrainian girls who came to America.
And Olga Kurylenko. They seem to have not looked back at their country, so the USA is their country now.
I haven't heard of Olga.
She's been in a lot of mediocre to bad action movies but here's a biggie you'll recognise:
Plus with Tom Cruise ('Oblivion'), Russell Crow ('The Water Diviner'), and Pierce Brosnan ('The November Man').
The two I haven't seen that I should are 'A Perfect Day' (Spanish/Serbian movie with Benicio Del Toro and Tim Robbins), and her first movie which is apparently bizarre, 'The Ring Finger' (doubt that's streaming anywhere) And purely for my interest in Ukraine, 'Land of Oblivion'.
Yeah, hot. I don't watch many movies because I don't want Hollywood to get my money. The only one I saw from dvd is Oblivion. I'll make exceptions for sci-fi. I prefer foreign movies and don't mind reading subtitles.
Excellent. I'll never miss Christopher Nolan and David Fincher, and find joy in indie American movies (especially weird or unfamous), but foreign movies is as close as I get to love. Want a Ukrainian movie? Look for 'I Work at the Cemetery'. Funny, clever and eventually meaningful. I reckon several countries may remake that into their language.
Most thoughtful sci-fi this year is the low budget 'The Artifice Girl '.
I'm not going to watch this movie but the interview clip is funny -
A couple of weeks ago I made cabbage soup from a Russian/Ukrainian recipe I found online. Olga is like the rest I mentioned, hot and no accents. They're American as Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner.
I want to try a good, pork free Borscht.
I make Beet Borsht and Green Borsht. I can't find Sorrel for my Green Borsht so I use Spinach. Both are vegetarian because of my diet restrictions, no red meat or processed meat. However, I gotta live so I cheat now and then.
I just finished watching the movie. It was the antithesis of everything I imagined Ukraine was like. It’s beautiful. During the last part of the movie he’s shooting in the areas that the fighting is going on now. All the towns and villages he discussed were names I’d heard in the war synopsis programs. It’s hard to imagine those places just being razed to the ground now. I wonder what’s going to be left of the country when this is over. Really sad!
Thank you, Daniel. I'm pleased that one person commented on the video itself.
He never show much of the east because of the civil war, but it is, indeed, very sad that so much will have been destroyed. I would have loved to have seen the forests there.
You say he is working for you know what exactly he is doing?
"Civil servant, translator (President's Office)"
The trouble is, now that I know that he is a Nazi apologist, I don't want to watch the film. Can anyone watch 'Triumph of the Will' without feeling nauseous? I know that the Ukraine film won't be quite so blatant, but when you know what other bilge accompanies someone's love for their country, it's impossible to unknow it.
I'm arrogant enough to believe I'm not an idiot :) I shared screenshots. They were a clue to beauty, not Nazis.
I'm glad you shared the photos, it was very interesting. I don't think anyone thinks you are an idiot, Mike!
But when I kick my big toe on the corner of....
New name: “Greater Russia: The Movie”
Play along with America and you lose your country. Haven’t you been paying attention the past 60 years?
I was reading about Russian culture becoming popular in the Central African Republic. Maybe I'll write about it next year.