OK negative nancy! I get the sentiment and partially agree but Ukraine's future is bright...perhaps not in the immediate short-term but give it 5-10 years. Same was said for Poland which is now one of Europe's most powerful countries, with a solid economy, a strong army, and a strong democracy which just proved itself again after booting the hell out of the corrupt scumbags known as "Prawda i Sprawiedliwosc" or PiS (Truth and Justice party) aka. PISS in english (what the dog does when you take it for a walk!).

PiS was a bunch of thieving ex-commies who tried to have their way by promising and handing out tothe boomers and freeloaders (the Polish equivalent of MAGA idiots) tons of money just for having kids! They stole and robbed from the national coffers but the trip ended with the (re)election of Donald Tusk. A pro-EU, pro-NATO, pro-Ukraine democratic leader.

Now PiS scrubs are PiSsing their trousers because the law is coming. Slowly but surely.

Same will happen with Ukraine. It will be successful in the end.

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I can't consider comments meaningful when posted so quickly after an article that would take much longer to read (and took me a lot of effort you don't care about enough to discuss points rationally). Add the fake name, and you only come across as a troll.

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Feb 2Liked by Mike Hampton

Well done Mike. Ukraine will cease to exist as it once was and will be a true helpless dependent on the west. BLACKROCK et all. I recall being in Kursk 2015. Buses were full arriving from the west. My mother in law shared that they were Russian people fleeing the war being waged by Ukraine in eastern Ukraine. USA is a murderous infant

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USA is like an irritating baby that won't stop crying, but with other's countries as toys.

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Feb 2Liked by Mike Hampton

exact - I recall being in awe of the weather underground when I was kid ... my mom was "what is wrong with you?" "not much but just look outside mom" I spent some time in Moscow during its 870th birthday. was amazing to see the culture , the whole thing. - I even asked Lenin to wake up just once ... he looked a bit cringe. LOL

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Bwah ha ha!

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Jan 30Liked by Mike Hampton

Satire, sir? If so, it works well. Keep it coming!

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Jan 30Liked by Mike Hampton

I can’t figure out whether these people regurgitate this stuff solely for the masses or that they’re so encased in their own bubble they consume each other’s vomit.

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He posted quickly after I posted, which means he had vomit ready for a headline and nothing more. I've no time for trolls, and will sometimes delete them so as to not waste future time. Argument is welcome, but trolls only dirty the world.

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