Reporting on Yemen's attacks on Red Sea shipping Politico writes, "...current and former officials say the Iran-backed group’s increasingly aggressive behavior poses a significant risk to American forces in the region...".

Quick quiz, can anyone spot the logical fallacy in that statement?

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Hussein, Gaddafi and Putin might.

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The backyard fence i broke thru is causing the homeowner to want to remove me from his property. I wont be bullied into leaveing so i shoud just kill him before he gets agressive on me & deprives me of my rights ? No?

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No question mark, just "No."

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The leaders and elite of America have turned our nation into the Asshole Nation, the world's foremost terrorist state and world's foremost polluter.

The Zio-Nazis and WEF Oligarchs are fomenting racial civil war in the USA. They do this to keep the people tribalised and divided hence conquered. They do this to keep the people from revolting against them.

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There's a new book out called 'Controligarchs'.

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Does anyone else feel like they want a Revolution & wont stop till they get one ?

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No. There are some people who understand that revolution is a solution since voting isn't getting us out of the mess we're in. The election system is rigged. The Oligarch Rulers with their Plutarch servants use the media they control to foment tribalism and keep the people divided hence conquered.

The revolution is a revolution of thought. Thought leaders are being stifled, marginalized, cancelled and even murdered but still managed to punch holes in the narrative. Mike is a good example of what I refer to and our numbers are growing.

I'm not a blogger but a commenter who contributes to the discourse. Mile comments on other sites I frequent and that's how I ran across him. Consider all who post on Telegram, Substack and Patreon. We also get through on YouTube and X/Twitter.

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We try but the odds are overwhelming.

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The USA should just change it’s fucking name to Danny De Veto.

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Sure Congress has a suggestion box :)

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God damn thad’ be some GREAT READING lmao. My new book thanks for the idea “DEAR CONGRESS”

Letters to be read for a sort of “background music “ while the fireing squads workin. Or the guillotine union or the electricians workin the chairs or....After the ( does the Palace of Justice still exist?) trials

I Need Some Accountability but meantime i would love to read suggestions to gov🙏

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Go for it!

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