If will be ignored by the Zionist Entity and Nazmerika.

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See my response to Stephen below.

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The State commonly known as Israel will not abide by the Law. This entity was born of evil, and exists to commit evil, and all for financial gain.

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As I said to Conway on Notes earlier, it’s not a step to success, but a marathon of steps. This is the continuation of the damage to Israel’s standing, and brings us closer to their punishment. We haven't seen this happen in our lifetimes.

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Good point and it applies to the entire Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate. It's Institutions are cracking and "leaders" are getting desperate. Their threats are being ignored. There are holes appearing in their Narrative but the Narrative must be shredded!

The protests must intensify and increase exponentially. The students must have support.

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It's all uphill with many fights ahead. Saudi Arabia may be the big stumbling block. But increased isolation will limit Israel's power to harm.

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Is it funny, that is exactly what the nazi thought of Germany

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It gets complicated with the West involved (as they also were in Germany before the war).

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You’re right. The times, they are a changing. Slowly …but still

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80% frustration and madness, but 20% hope in needle moving.

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Us:Stop bombing civilians !

Them : Screw You!

Us: Stop killing babies !

Them: Let's bomb hospitals!

Us: Stop stealing other people's land!

Them: Shut up or we'll bomb you too!

Seems very redundant.

Us : You guys are war criminals!!!

Them : Oy!! Antisemitism @!°°\{●○£

Us: We hope Karma is real .

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It's that immoral and insane.

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Great title.

I wouldn’t have posted the sold out judge opinion, as Genocidal people do not deserve a voice

We need to push what deserve to be pushed and let the rest collapse in its on crap.

Thanks for sharing

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