What I believe (and what I don't)
Ideology, religion, think tanks, advertising, climate change, covid-19, transgender, Russia, South Africa, USA, Trump, JFK Jnr, debt, TV, soccer and Armageddon.
A person’s well-presented opinion is more important than whether they’re religious or who they have sex with (with hypocrisy as the caveat).
Nevertheless, my journey has been one of truth which includes self-exposure. Consequently, I share myself with my subscribers.
Except for 3 comments of mine I copied, this was written quickly, in order to be a natural reaction rather than make you like me e.g., some of you support Trump whereas I see him as just another criminal, like his predecessors and successor.
My head’s a volcano, and this is only a single eruption. If you ask Grindavik, one eruption is enough.
Propaganda, ignorance and laziness are great enemies. We can fight the first and change the others, starting with ourselves.
Ideology: Democracy and socialism doesn't exist. No left or right, only power versus the weak, a choice between the momentary freedom of self-defence or permanent cowardice.
Advertising: For the most part, the elimination of choice. For the small human, a necessary evil to try be heard (an increasingly difficult action).
UN, BRICS, WEF, WTO, IMF - acronyms for Power versus the People. I don't trust them, nor their similar ideas for financial methods favouring globalists. However, I hope for BRICS to gain more strength because some tussle at the top is better than only the UK/USA ruling us. We need maneuverability.
Think Tanks: The powerful ones dedicated to geopolitics don't think, they mostly exist to teach us what to think. NGOs are the same. Those from the USA, UK and Germany have too much influence over our neoliberal universities, newspapers and politicians.
USA: It's own worst enemy, a toxic culture mix of extreme celebrity, nationalism and military. The only rule is to not trust what’s on offer, especially what’s popular on seemingly opposing sides. Results are what count, and the biggest is misery.
Donald Trump: Not the Messiah no matter how narcissistic he is. Like Biden and many others, he's only another representative of the dysfunction and lies of the USA, its Neoliberalism and subsequent support for Zionism. Removing the target on journalists (Julian Assange) and whistleblowers (Edward Snowden) would add a positive to his CV, but he'd never do it for morality, only for selfish gain.
Haley, JFK, Ramaswamy etc.: Sinophobes with no empathy for the prisoners in Palestine Prison. Maybe useful for chaos in the USA. Chaos can weaken the fake dollar which can help the world. Dedollarisation would cause us immense suffering, but we must accept that responsibility so the next generation has more hope.
Russo/Ukraine War: It's a war, not a "special operation". The West provoked it, and Russia had to act to save itself from those who want to break it into pieces for sale. That doesn't make Russia purist because it's also an opportunity for it to gain more wealth and power, and a stronger position against NATO. As with acronym organisations, great powers jostling is better for us than one ruling alone. But I don't have to be completely cynical. There was a civil war in Ukraine, and Putin saved the lives of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas and along the coast line towards Kherson. Unfortunately, xenophobia rules the rest of the country, literally because Zelensky made it law. He should never be forgiven for that and breaking the peace treaties - the Minsk II Agreement (2015), and the Russo/Ukrainian deal done in Turkey (2022) but never signed. His treason has resulted in hundreds of thousands dying, millions suffering, and a smaller country that will be controlled through debt the West was happy to provide. The USA, UK and Germany are arguably most at fault but he chose to be the puppet.
South Africa: A sale between the National Party and the African National Congress, middlemen organised by foreign powers wishing to exploit us.
Helen Zille: An expert in hypocrisy, the perfect sell-out, the fakest liberal, my worst politician. Internationally, liberals killed liberalism with neoliberalism. Zille murdered it in South Africa by being two-faced, accusing her oppositions of crime whilst she never held her own party’s crimes accountable.
Musk: More a cutthroat businessman than an inventor, but that cannot deny results. A talking bum crack with his followers thinking shit is fragrance. He’s diluting his opportunity to say important things with teen wisecracks. His X statistics are bullshit, and propaganda when applied to Tucker Carlson interviews (with Trump, Putin etc.). But I give him credit for the Twitter files, no matter his agenda. He also offers value, at least on the surface, as a counterculture to the USA’s business-as-usual. Possibly a great guy to have a beer or drugs with away from public nonsense and the terrible fact he works with the Pentagon.
Covid: Real. Early lockdown justified whilst figuring out what was happening, but became abuse. Lots died from the virus, but also from government apathy and incompetency, and citizen madness. Hugely exploited for profit and politics. A lesson in corporate power and crowd control that the crowd won't learn. We’ve fucked up the world, making the fight against covid, flu, TB, and other things to come, our scary reality.
Climate change: Real but deliberately mishandled for short-term profit. Opposing sides are benefiting from hatred and misinformation that abuses us. I despise greenwashing. Censoring one side is evil, and proof of hidden agenda. I don't pick on a Swedish teenager who stand up for something taller than rude and lazy adult critics. I would love to have friends and family who are intelligent and passionate. I don’t want to know people who turn everything into a conspiracy because it undermines real ones. I will never understand why people can't meet in between, believers and denialists, and agree that less pollution and clean rivers are cool, and that natural climate warming also happens. Division deliberately deters positive action on common issues.
Animals: I’m anti-war, so I’m anti-killing. That applies to animals, and I’m already regretting that I have to kill a rat at home this week. But I’ll do what’s necessary, and no more. I save most crawly things but splat mosquitoes and cockroaches. I have two meals with meat or fish weekly because I got sick when vegan, and don’t have the money for alternatives. I treasure their deaths, and enjoy each mouthful.
Men, women, gays - everyone deserves the life they want, but physical change should only be allowed after the brain has fully developed. I’d add military service, driving licences and botox to that restriction if I were a benevolent dictator. I’ve had 3 gay uncles and aunts, and managed a gay duet for a short period. Regarding the religious aspect, here’s what I responded to Epimetheus with:
I'm 100% for adults being whatever gender they want to be because its their business. We live, we die, we go nowhere afterwards. Life is brief. My problem is with the hypocrisy of religion. Religion is discrimination. Any attempt to welcome people previously hated is nefarious marketing or submission to the will of State liberalism.
The offspring of Black slaves subjugated by old Christians becoming modern Christians is ridiculous. The same applies to gay people. It comes down to people not being taught to stand on their own feet, and needing a crutch, the invitation of all religion except when indoctrination began with childhood.
As a Christian, you have a choice - hateful superiority or hypocrisy (and the latter doubles as self-hate).
It more logical to embrace all non-religious people. Unfortunately, ours is a world of hate so we have to find common ground which is secularism. The catch-22 is that dilution makes all religions hypocritical to their faith. So maybe the consequence is that we all have to smile awkwardly because that's better than hurting trans pastors, hetero paedo priests, and those evangelists supporting Zionism whilst Zionism hates them etc. (don't think that I'm showing equivalence with those examples, cause the first is the only one I'm willing to drink tea with).
But, hells bells, what's the deal with the USA's government's tolerance for criminal Scientologists. Maybe religion is just a mystery and all those in it a mystery to themselves... and I know nothing about realism and morality at all.
Women: Destroy your Western versions of burqa and hijabs - melt or moderate your make-up, make a fire with high heels, and cut your hair. A women who spends too much time ‘getting ready’ for the expectations of a crooked society doesn’t believe in equal rights, only ego or pleasing others. You don’t need a civil war to save your skin tone. In personal destruction, there’s freedom. I may not appreciate hairy legs, armpits and thorn bushes but that’s my quirk, not yours. I respect your right to be a scientist or stripper but the #1 song ‘Wet Ass Pussy’ isn’t female emancipation, but ‘Wrecking Ball’ might be.
Sex? I support your kink so long as its consensual, but have enough sense to keep some actions at home. Dangling your balls in a public parade, or being proudly coprophagist, would be more against the liberation of many than liberation of oneself. Same for the paedophile. You can’t stop being you but common sense tells you that desire can only end in the pain of a child - you either choose celibacy or a blow-up doll, and you never mention it. Your reward is that the CIA or FBI will never blackmail your political career.
Soccer: It's Kardashians on steroids and testosterone. As popular as Android and Windows 10 but less useful, proof that the human race is doomed to repeat itself. Men who argue over soccer more than they do over human rights are not men (speaking in the traditional sense where men can protect and not only hurt).
Armageddon: It became a possibility when 'Mad Max: Fury Road' was praised as a masterpiece. Terry Pratchett may have planned those ‘critic reviews’ as his lesson to us living on a flat world carried by elephants standing on a turtle heading to destination that the Pope doesn't know (but Clive Barker does).
Voluntary stupidity is a crime against yourself and others. Reject everything you were taught - reeducate. Some things will be the same, some won’t - that’s experience and living a life of responsibility.
Manic Street Preachers sang 'If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next'. As cliched as it is, we have to be the change, not only for the kids but for ourselves.
If you can afford it, health comes first so that you can be a good person longer.
You’ll get double the work done if you start in the dark before dusk when distractions haven’t arrived.
Waking earlier also offers quality time alone. Watch the sunrise with coffee and silence. Notice nature, especially birds in the city and suburbs. Eat better. Walk on the beachfront or in a park, not on a treadmill unless you’re in an Icelandic winter and lava has swallowed your park.
Teach children maths and first aid. Help them love books and respect animals. Take them hiking.
Don’t hate people who disagree with you if they’ve got good argument. Either improve your argument, or consider them right. And don’t think too much of yourself if you’re debating under a fake name.
Censorship: It’s the responsibility of the individual to moderate their website or social media page. I don’t allow Neo-Nazis in my comment sections. Nor do I allow off-topic self-promoters. And the worst of those and their ilk are the ones thinking they have rights to be trolls whilst using fake names.
Cellphones: Turn on only when absolutely necessary. Don't use as a smart device.
Substack: The CIA (USA), SBU (Ukraine) and FSB (Russia) are here. So are suck-ups hoping for a job under Trump. Remember that when falling in love with your favourite geopolitical writers. CIA assets don’t have to hide their names. Russian agents and stooges do. I appreciate good info from all sources but will not be naive despite my firm position that Ukraine is a U.S. proxy, and Russia did right by protecting persecuted, Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Consequently, I only occasionally visit anonymous pages, so that they don’t cumulatively and subconsciously slant me. Secondly, don’t let Notes turn Substack into a longer version of X, and those quickies destroy the writers.
Social Media: Kill it!
Religion: Leave it!
Audiobooks: Love them!
Don’t be a person of things. Embrace minimalism with the occasional treat, whether it be a meal or a holiday. Consider Absurdism as the only logical life path, the joy in senselessness.
Don't take debt, especially not a bond.
Entertainment is like hamburgers and apples. What you put in your mouth comes differently out your arse. Don't watch soapies. Watch less sport. Build your empathy and knowledge by watching foreign language movies.
Don't take debt, no revolving credit card, no clothing chain store card - no cards except your bank, student or medical card.
Fight depression with charity.
Bananas for beggars, politeness to prostitutes, support teachers - we're all humans fighting the challenge of living.
Don't take debt, live smaller, own everything!
Stand up for uncomfortable truth. Support activists and whistleblowers if you're too scared to become them. Don't pretend you're helpless because there's something you can do to improve your building, suburb or local NGO.
Pardon Julian Assange (Australian), Edward Snowden (USA), Alexei Moskalyov (Russia), Loujain al-Hathloul (Saudi), Ai Weiwei (Chinese), Ahed Tamimi (Palestinian) etc. (the list is long). And Stop Cop City whilst you’re about it.
Don't turn Substack into Facebook. Or think that it won’t happen. happen.
Don't take debt.
Don't take debt.
* * * * * *
On Wicked Ghosts, my non-political substack, I’m addressing sex, abuse, women and culture with a monthly opinion, and sharing a short documentary weekly. Checkout ‘The livestreamed suicide of 12-year-old Katelyn Nicole Davis was a lesson in...’ and ‘Young Banaz Mahmod told UK cops that her family would kill her. They ignored her.’ (doccie)
I’m going to re-post this there so please will my few subscribers on both ends forgive me.
Inclined to agree on just about all counts but particularly like: "Dedollarisation would cause us immense suffering, but we must accept that responsibility so the next generation has more hope."
I don't really like being told what I 'must' accept but you've got to take the rough with the smooth, I guess.
DON'T TAKE DEBT! Damn good advice.