Ah! Now I get your philosophy a lot better now!

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Proudly arsehole :)

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Feb 15Liked by Mike Hampton

DON'T TAKE DEBT! Damn good advice.

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They 'forgot' to teach that at school, and parents teach us to do the opposite.

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Feb 15Liked by Mike Hampton

It's all about credit score.

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"If you're not in debt, you're not part of society."

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Mike Hampton

Inclined to agree on just about all counts but particularly like: "Dedollarisation would cause us immense suffering, but we must accept that responsibility so the next generation has more hope."

I don't really like being told what I 'must' accept but you've got to take the rough with the smooth, I guess.

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It's why they made ribbed condoms.

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I can relate to a lot of it but disagree with some. Not that agreement is necessary.

I think Covid was real in the sense it was a 'gain of function' experiment but it was not real in the way it was promoted and handled. A big issue. I question everything including any medical procedure and decided years ago vaccines and medications were best avoided so was not going to go near the gene therapy called a vaccine for Covid. It was a sobering exercise in how the majority can be bullied, frightened and forced into compliance. But the old 70/30 rule could be seen at work.

And as to a life beyond this one, the fact is no-one can be categorical that there is or there is not. What I do know from a great deal of reading and probably too much pondering is that there is more evidence for life beyond the material world than there is for extinction. Quantum Mechanics is insightful on that count, albeit, unwittingly in most, but not all cases.

Probably the best approach is come up with a set of beliefs which work for you in making this world, often a hellhole, not just bearable but meaningful.

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Quantum mechanics is so fascinating that I've deliberately not dived into that rabbit hole lest I never return.

Make life meaningful - you correctly stuck the pin in the Absurdism pinata.

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Think tanks think only what their sponsors tell them to think(my Catholic English teacher would be proud)

She'd be less unhappy with the truth about Jesus, and that he never built a church.

It would help folks understand North America if you looked at us as serfs,our leaders as toads for the European Order.

Somehow amnesty for malcontents and intellectuals doesn't fit with Nazism.

The cowboy in me has rounded up many cattle, for branding and to go to the slaughter house.

The cows see us, they are much stronger than us but the efforts required to send them off to their fate are minimal.

Taking care of them ,moving them from grazing land to round up is skilled work for sure,

It becomes part of a living arrangement with the heard.

Is it so impossible to believe that we are chattel to some other beings? MTV,Debt,Religion, Trump&Biden,and the hate speech all around ,equil to playing a harmonica to put the cows to sleep?

Maybe we'll see enough to break the spell, but I doubt if enough people will to.make a difference.

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My religious education teacher never wore panties so I got yours beat but both probably had some 'Judas' in them - https://youtu.be/iUCbQ1rKOUg

That "European order" is transatlantic so we need a better name for them.

Just yesterday I finished watching the series 'Tiny Beautiful Things' which referenced those cows and their harmonicist.

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