Who controls the meaning of words?
"I’m going to start using the same language Jews use for Muslims."
If the US/Palestinian ceasefire holds, most people will move on to another story whilst broken people continue to die under the shadow of the Israeli Apartheid State. This is a dangerous moment for accountability, because history often gets rewritten by the culpable powerful.
I love Jews against Zionism, and have stood against those using this event as disguise for their prejudice. However, it’s undeniably problematic that the Jewish nation, like the American government, controls narrative by owning words nobody sold them. It’s colonialism in that they put a stake in the ground and claim, “This is my land.” It’s up to us to refuse the selling of the meaning in our language.
This is from Heather Connolly on Substack notes:
“I’m going to start using the same language Jews use for Muslims. From now on it’s fanatical Judaism. It’s Jews want to kill Muslims. It’s Jews as terrorists. It’s not hardliners on the far right, it’s fanatical Judaism and fanatical Jewish terrorists. Flip the script. The Palestinians abducted by Israeli military are always called prisoners of war. How can children be prisoners of war? Because the Jews make them prisoner. So now, the so-called hostages taken by Hamas? Those are prisoners of war too. Equalize the language.”
View/follow Heather’s notes here.