I did say "ironically, the channel has barred South Africans from watching, but some browsers have built-in VPN. " See of if your search engine's browser's store has a "free VPN" or "free website proxy" app. Or try a website such as https://www.croxyproxy.com/browser
All the people that bitch about crime in the USA should watch this 💀
Or may hap they'd be too squeamish.
Stay safe, Mike.
Eddie Murphy should play a cop in South Africa.
That would be funny,indeed.
I shared your post with some Americans that I'm penpals with.
Maybe it will help them wake up.
Inequality, thy name is South Africa!
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The message I get when attempting to open the link.
I did say "ironically, the channel has barred South Africans from watching, but some browsers have built-in VPN. " See of if your search engine's browser's store has a "free VPN" or "free website proxy" app. Or try a website such as https://www.croxyproxy.com/browser
Android - Safe Web Proxy Browser