We can't ever be free, Mike. Society is incompatible with individual freedom. Just like baboons circle around the strongest baboon, we circle around the most powerful (or most dangerous leader)
In the concept of State, lays the rule that the powerful have access to teachings and technology the week do not have.
These ideles keep the power in the hands of the old families for centuries.
If we fail to stop WW3, we may find ourselves free from many chains. Languages, State controlled currency, religion, and passports will be all things of the past. That leaves us with Society dominated by Warlords and Fifel lords.
Perhaps not better, but certainly more fun.
Thanks for all the educational posts you've been doing lately. 🤠
It does appear hopeless but we either try or we don't, and the latter feels too much like voluntary slavery. Ideally, I'd like to work outside with a community, and then be an individual at home - balance.
I may have sounded darker than I intended. Small communities can exist, and depending on the strength of the communities social contract(bill of rights, or some such thing) the community can withstand outside pressure. Be it a hurricane or an invasion from a rival community.
As long as their leader is reasonably uncorrupte, and harvest is good these communities can last several hundred years, in the Southwest, the Anissaie tribes lasted peacefully for centuries. Their only fear being mountain lions,and poisonus snakes.
I've visited their caves and cliff dwellings when I was in Southern Utah. I was fascinated by these people because they never knew war.
They were made extinct by climate change.
It's hard to imagine a tribe with no warrior caste,but there they were.
So it is possible for humans to be peaceful, and happy,
That Adam Curtis short is a way for you to try catch the attention of friends and family. Hopefully they'll then sit for the feature that is 'Hypernormalisation'.
Another friend just recommended to me Adam Curtis’s The Century of the Self after reading my last post so he’s in the zeitgeist! Conspiracy realist. I like that
We can't ever be free, Mike. Society is incompatible with individual freedom. Just like baboons circle around the strongest baboon, we circle around the most powerful (or most dangerous leader)
In the concept of State, lays the rule that the powerful have access to teachings and technology the week do not have.
These ideles keep the power in the hands of the old families for centuries.
If we fail to stop WW3, we may find ourselves free from many chains. Languages, State controlled currency, religion, and passports will be all things of the past. That leaves us with Society dominated by Warlords and Fifel lords.
Perhaps not better, but certainly more fun.
Thanks for all the educational posts you've been doing lately. 🤠
It does appear hopeless but we either try or we don't, and the latter feels too much like voluntary slavery. Ideally, I'd like to work outside with a community, and then be an individual at home - balance.
I may have sounded darker than I intended. Small communities can exist, and depending on the strength of the communities social contract(bill of rights, or some such thing) the community can withstand outside pressure. Be it a hurricane or an invasion from a rival community.
As long as their leader is reasonably uncorrupte, and harvest is good these communities can last several hundred years, in the Southwest, the Anissaie tribes lasted peacefully for centuries. Their only fear being mountain lions,and poisonus snakes.
I've visited their caves and cliff dwellings when I was in Southern Utah. I was fascinated by these people because they never knew war.
They were made extinct by climate change.
It's hard to imagine a tribe with no warrior caste,but there they were.
So it is possible for humans to be peaceful, and happy,
Maybe we just forget how to be so.
Here's to living a simple life!
Minimalism is key to happiness.
That Adam Curtis short is a way for you to try catch the attention of friends and family. Hopefully they'll then sit for the feature that is 'Hypernormalisation'.
Wow. How completely chilling. Thanks for sharing.
The complete deadness of the masses is appalling. So many people with dead eyes staring at phones, completely unaware of where they're being led.
We need a mass lesson in what matters. Unfortunately, only tragedy teaches.
Another friend just recommended to me Adam Curtis’s The Century of the Self after reading my last post so he’s in the zeitgeist! Conspiracy realist. I like that
That's the excellent series I began with. I intended posting it down the line, but it'd be cool if you wanted to.
Looks like I've got a lot of Adam Curtis to watch... first things first