Feb 12·edited Feb 12Liked by Mike Hampton

It's like we woke up one day and found out that all of our leaders were insane. We can say we're shocked, but we can't fix it. Should we all go back to sleep? It sounds like a bad idea,because our enemies actually never sleep. Maybe a large supply of ultraviolet bullets can help. (Vampires hate the light).

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Hell, talking about sleep, that's exactly what I meant to do because I'm a walking dead man this month. But then I thought let me see what's happening with Pakistan's election, found me on an English Arab website which had the link to Tucker at the Summit.

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Feb 13Liked by Mike Hampton

Take a long nap Mike. The War will be here tomorrow. 😴

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13Author

Palestine summary today, Russia tomorrow, personal stuff the next day, but hopefully a braai (barbeque) breakfast on Friday.

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Thanks for giving so much attention to this interview and the fallout from it, Mike.

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I enjoyed this interview more than Putin's. I wonder how much Western coverage it'll get.

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Feb 12Liked by Mike Hampton

Thanks Mike. I would have missed this. I kinda got off Tucker some time ago. The Putin interview I watched to see Putin.

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I was never into him nor Fox, and being part of Fox is as unforgivable as being part of CNN. I watched some of him only because of Ukraine, the need for a counternarrative, and I was interesting how his position would effect politics there. His solo journey doesn't mean he has changed, but he can. I don't have the info to determine that. But I can judge the value of his guests. Some I wouldn't touch with a barge pole but most have had value, especially for allowing the other side to defend themselves, so we get to have our own thoughts. I understand that he'd have restrictions chatting to Putin, self-imposed so as to keep access, and to keep Putin speaking for as long as possible. Despite that, Putin's side was told and had value, more so when I read it. Then this interview at the World Government Summit was Carlson terrificly unrestrained, and showed he's smart, and thus I must give him kudos.

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The interview with Tucker Carlson, and the piece at the end from The Hill were both fascinating. I didn’t watch the Putin interview, but of course have seen and read some of the reactions to it, Thanks for sharing this, Mike it’s enlightening.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13Author

Glad its appreciated. A much better version of Tucker. He spoke as a realist, and shared many of my thoughts (something I never would've expected a year ago).

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