Kinda' reminds me of my community now, where nobody ever says a word about the US/Israel genocide of Palestinians. Whenever I have heard people say they couldn't imagine what happened in Germany happening in the US, I chuckle. I see the potential camp guards and pompous commandants and drivers driving the truck loads of prisoners through the camp gates and the obedient pencil pushers filling out the weekly orders for gas and bullets all around me. Hell, already compliant workers have constructed huge detention camps (under Democrat joe Biden) along the SW border and an abandoned Air Force base a 100 miles from me reportedly recently had 350 semi trailers dropped off. Hmm, what could that be for? The line between ordinary citizen and obedient Nazi is paper thin.

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That is an exact portrayal of how it happens, my father grew up through it but was of polish descent living in Berlin at the time. It was like a craze to be in the popular in group, for his peers it was the Hitler youth groups though his parent forbid him to join.

Lack of curiosity, no desire for knowledge of what is different being in a homogeneous society almost and having the reparations as a burden for the workers to carry as in today's rust belt financialization of the economy.

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The rank petri dish of fascism is bubbling across America.

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My thanks for the emphasis.

We are a more compliant species than ever before.

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Who was it who said that evil is generally committed by the most ordinary of people. I have long believed more harm is done through weakness than through strength and the weak are easily brainwashed and cultified.

The Nazis were not the first, not the worst and not the last in terms of evil. Sadly, they have been used by the ZioJews as the epitome of evil for far too long. The Germans have allowed it to happen. Genocides around the world all have the same themes and the same horrors. Nothing about Nazism was particular to Germans as can be seen today in Zionist Israel and can be seen in Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's Cultural Revolution, Rwanda and dozens of other places where someone decided exterminating group X was a good idea.

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Hannah Arendt:

"Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil."

"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil."

"There is a strange interdependence between thoughtlessness and evil."

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Thanks. Yes, I had Frankl in my mind. Knew it was one of them.

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These fit in my world view:

"Evil will always triumph because good is dumb." - Rick Moranis

"Tolerating evil only leads to more evil." - Bob Riley

"The world is not threatened by evil people, but by those who allow evil to take place." - Albert Einstein

"Evil that arises out of ordinary thinking and is committed by ordinary people is the norm, not the exception." - Philip Zimbardo

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I disagree with Rick Moranis but relate to the others.

Evil always destroys, including those who commit evil, so it can never triumph. It can be victorious for a time but ultimately it corrodes and corrupts.

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I believe that Davenport iowa is ruled by people like the Nazis....after declaring others inferior and not really human you can do any vicious cruel thing. They believe that the people they are doing it to our not human.

In Davenport iowa police legal administrative human resources public works etc all believe that they can and do target specific individuals for physical elimination from the city and then criminally abuse their authority to pursue that removal elimination goal.

I'm trying for investigation and prosecutions but no one cares....the entire top of Davenport is white and wealth and government employee supremacist.

One Thing people expect the Nazis not to laugh and have fun and care about their friends. If they see you as Human like them they can be nice and sweet even. However in Davenport iowa they see black people and Sihk immigrants and me...mix European and Native American as so inferior they could and did destroy my gardens my laundry hanging on the clothesline....my Native American Religious Artwork on display in my yard.....even as expensive antique CERAMIC ART NATIVITY SCENE INHERITED FROM DAVID WHITAKER....all destroyed while openly expressing hatred for black people and Native Americans.

True story. When I begged police officer not to allow them to destroy that nativity scene or my new shoes and clean clothes hanging out to dry the police laughed and threatened to arrest me. The Supervisor of code enforcement and parking lots said. Every time I jump the fence into your back yard I tell you I don't like looking at you hanging your clothes out to dry....True story and bigger than this and targeting multiple people they declared inferior...

But they are very nice to white people with college degrees and higher paid government jobs.

These photos show how they can be happy and friendly to each other.

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The unbearable lightness of being a nazi should be watched by every one.

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