Thanks for exposing these connections, Mike. I look forward to your next instalment.

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You quick reader. Thanks!

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

Hello,Mike. Knowledge comes at a price. The dive into darkness is sometimes too much for most people. This does not make the darkness go away,it just lands us back on the other side of the Looking Glass.

I didn't know much about South Africa before I started reading your posts,so I speak about the USA,instead. We were created as a country in debt. Washington and others had to borrow money to start the USA. and we've been in debt ever since. After WW2, when the CIA was born we started destroying our opposition on a wholesale basis.

Try to think of us as a poorly managed East Indian Tradeing Co. We Then become very dangerous to anyone that interferes with our stockholders profits.

Who are thay? Damned if I know, start with the usual suspects and add vampires because they certainly love blood.

They trade in human lives like a cowboy sells cattle. But a tad bit differently. Most guys that tend to livestock care about the animals in their charge. I know I did. These rulers hate us. So don't feel bad ,Mike. Enjoy the fact the evil ones hate your light.

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You make me feel like Mother Teresa... oh, wait... she was a fake light :)

I agree. I see USA/UK neoliberalism as colonialism v.02

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Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

I just don't want you to feel overwhelmed by darkness. I've been there. Entropy is on our side.

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Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

This is all new information to me. I know pretty much nothing about South Africa. Even though I went there diving I still didn’t really get a feel for what was happening. Going to a country as a tourist is like driving across the U.S. on the interstate…everywhere looks similar.

You know far more about the internal machinations of your country than most do about theirs. I look forward to your coming posts, and to see where this ends up.

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I was just saying to Karen that what happens in South Africa is important to the global chessboard, and should be treated as important if not more important than what's happening in Europe. Thanks for restacking.

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It ends up exactly where we all have been. Seeing the skeleton of the power structures that we have been in the belly of. It's what Putin was saying when he just said that about dining on human flesh and the vampire ball is ending.

Most won't get it now. But in time these people and organizations will be flayed by the light (like by a light saber!). And we will see what's inside then.

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Your optimism is a saber.

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I hope so. No point in being a pillow in this war!

This has been a psychological war globally for as long as there's been media. It's been death by billions of cuts at us; now it's becoming death by billions of light beams at them. Every time we make a little extra light shine through exposing these monsters is a day, week, month, up to years off their life span. And they are fully aware.

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Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

Mike, I'd like to have you on my podcast. This is fascinating. How can I contact you to invite you?

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That's great of you, I know your work, but unfortunately that may be a red flag to the DA's friends. They already took so much from me for taking them to Parliament, and seemingly had the influence to get Ramaphosa's people to squash the investigation. I already feel like I'm on a limb for mentioning this.

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Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

No problem. Not sure what the red flag might be, but the truth is the truth, regardless. Great article!

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Wow, what a great review. I know literally nothing about South Africa post Mandela. I had no idea about the strong economic, political and diplomatic connections between South Africa and Israel and Zionist business interests. Sounds as corrupt and dirty as what has happened in the US and the fall of our government to Tel Aviv. The more I learn about international Zionist interests and political connections the better I understand how the US and Europe sit by while Israeli storm troopers (and that IS what the IDF is) wound, kill, mutilate, rape and torture innocents. Hitler didn't survive WW II, but he won. From the intentional embedding of Nazi war criminals into the US intel and scientific community and rise of the CIA to dominance and control of our government to the replication of fascist extremism in the Jewish state Hitler and Nazism won.

Given all that has happened and the Zionist powers within South Africa how did they come to the point of challenging Israel on their genocide?

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Author

For me, it isn't all Zionism. Realism is that great powers will always friction. That applies to States and Corporations (and those who own them). At heart, humans are greedy and abusive. The more power they're given, the more they're tempted to use it. Wouldn;t we all love to be a benevolent dictator? But that usually doesn't work out. How many people have known someone in their neighbourhood who became a local councillor and then he/she became another arsehole. I believe that all the main parties were being funded by the same people, but maybe that changed when the ANC went bankrupt. The ANC's strong historical ties with Russia didn't matter to the world until Ukraine happened.

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The universal question: Does power corrupt or are only the corrupt drawn to power?

Some of the nastiest politics happen at the local level. I just learned that a city council member of the town I moved to a couple years ago got involved in some land development disagreements a few years before I moved here. He got death threats and wound up not only leaving the city council but selling his business and moving out of town. And this is a town of 9,000. Ego and money whipped together is a toxic brew. Helps explain why most of humanity is ruled by kakistocracy ... rule by the most venal, incompetent and depraved. We see the evidence around us daily.

Just came across this nice reminder of resistance from another time. I remember the song well. Check out some of the viewer comments. People need to resist...


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I first uncovered corruption in my town of 70,000. I turned to provincial politicians for help only to discover they were the puppet masters of local crime. One of the first two issues involved property developers.

Corruption works both ways but I believe mostly original evil applies. And if its primordial, then it can;t be evil, it's just nature. Such a paradox. But that nature is also why we're the dominant species. Most progress happened under cruel rulers.

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Good song, good moment, good comments. I especially like the guy whose war hero dad got him out of going to war, and they became best friends.

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Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

Thanks Mike, that was a lot to digest...what an intricate spider web of corruption and deceit.

In MHO no apartheid dismantling or independence would function properly, without first, the nationalization of the country's resources, to level the playing field, otherwise it's only window dressing and you end up with the same masters using different titles. Also, for goodness sake, ban all lobbying and interest groups.

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I hate it when our properties and businesses, our State enterprises, are sold. People don't get that it's theirs. They don't understand Government is our employee.

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Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

Exactly, AKA, as Professor Michael Hudson puts it "neo-feudalism".

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I like Hudson.

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My humble opinion 😁.

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Then, in that spirit, I'd use lowercase :)

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Mar 20Liked by Mike Hampton

What can I say...I'm a terrible writer :)

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Wonderfully humble, ha ha .

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I have a theory about (select) NGOs, especially these think tank ones. They are the de facto governments and media. The visible governmental structures and media apparatuses are simply coverings over those.

They operate something like the Catholic Church. Pope receives all the money and makes all the infallible statements. Cardinals disseminate the message and some of the money back to the bishops who run this same scam on their dioceses.

The whole world seems to operate the same way. The ones pushing against the Jewish narrative (Putin, Ramaphosa, Lula, etc.) at the potential expense of "losing favor" with Zionist dioceses are shedding a lot of light on this underbelly and overall policy crush from overhead. As well as where all the money goes before it's dribbled back down to the parishioners.

No wonder they hated Reagan's trickle down economics label! Too close to the mark.

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Well, verdict out on Ramaphosa (his first presidential trip was to CFR), and I wasn't a fan of Reagan, but I get your drift. And I agree that its highly likely, especially in the American and European landscape, that 'thinks tanks' are the de facto government, and like regular governments, their salary is a bribe, and thus donors of 'think tanks' are the bosses.

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I had this convo with MedMan (in Cairo). He was saying the militaries run the war pushing ones (NGO/think tanks). I am of the opinion it is the other way around. They make the overall plans at least. Brass and commanding officers make sure it is implemented. Same with governmental policy ones, too.

Somehow whatever these big brains come up with it always makes it to the battlefields, Parliament chambers, and corporate executive offices. I'm not saying there's zero collaboration, but that's the direction the commands come from. Same is true for government activities.

When I refer to big role players, be they Putin, Trump, Ramaphosa, or Neyanyahu, I am almost never speaking of the person or even elected office. I see them all as actors on a stage telling a story. One of how we came to be in this predicament.

And one that will deprogram billions of people into thinking for themselves instead of controlled governments, NGOs, and Hollywood. It really matters very little whether Ramaphosa went to the CFR as an enthusiast or an infiltrator. His role had that scene in the script. I think Trump went to Davos one year, too. Same thing - written in the script.

In a good spy thriller that engages your interest throughout there are typically characters that you find were on a different team than you thought at the end, and others that were flawed heroes or conflicted villains. I think we're seeing all of that, too. The bottom line is the Awakening. Existential wars use unconventional and outrageous methods especially where time is a factor. That's my theory and I have seen nothing to disprove it yet. But I've had to learn to be very patient. Because so much still appears to be a face value picture. But this year (AI war!) will probably bust that myth up, too. I can then see how close my theory has been!

I take very little at face value. If they can run a worldwide fake pandemic, why should I believe any of it? The rest is really peanuts relative to that theatrical.

As to the NGOs and think tanks - they're all interconnected. Kind of like one big tub of money and influence for the psychological war machine. With the roles separated so we won't see it as the Beast System. Ultimately, of course all the money is theoretically produced by the workers (slave farms) whether it goes to corporate accounts or government taxes. They just keep pushing it around and creating "more" as they like. To keep the slaves invested in continuing to work the fields. It all stops when we do.

Their blood is money - cash flow. If we quit making it for them, they die. Pretty much that simple. We are in control of our future. But we need enough of us to see it and agree to that for it to happen. AKA, the deprogramming (movie).

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I believe covid is real but that it's was utterly abused for gain. That aside, I'm on board with your excellent commentary. You shouldn't let it go to waste. Not everything has to be a longread. Make it a post, build your readership quicker so they also see those longreads about Moldova etc. For my part, I will quote you at the end of this series.

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As long as you make me sound more sane than usual! 😁

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I'll surround myself with three Karens so that everyone thinks I'm the sane one :)

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Mar 26Liked by Mike Hampton

There's a recent book that traces the rise of the NGOs and Think Tanks in the USA. The trajectory by which these infiltrate and then take over institutions (eg the University of Chicago -> giving birth to Reaganomics via Milton Friedman) is laid out very clearly. They shape policy, churn out identikit 'leaders' and crowd out alternative ideas. (and much besides)

It's worth a look: https://www.counterfire.org/article/masters-the-invisible-war-of-the-powerful-against-their-subjects-book-review/

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Thank you! Always like to have recommendations for reading material. I seldom waste my time, money (if applicable), or most importantly, eyesight (lots of limitations on mine) without one! This NGO theory I mostly developed through seeing the same ones crop up all over the world and never miss a call as to action or directive. I already knew governments are almost all cover for something like the SES. But the downward reaching branches don't operate independently. Especially not political party machines. So it wasn't hard to fill that vacuum with think tanks and NGOs.

I'll have a look as soon as I can. Looks like I'll have to write about this bridge. Spent half the day trying not to,and the other half buying food for this Easter weekend family feast. Thanks again!

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Karen, please consider writing about South Africa, even if only that Congressional Bill - https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2024-03-21-bill-that-calls-for-full-review-of-us-relations-with-sa-crosses-first-hurdle-in-us-congress/

What happens here affects other countries you care about e.g., we've sent troops to the Congo.

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Fighting to stay under the umbrella of a tyrant is hardly a forward going move. From this article it looks to be more bluster than substance; if the Democrat controlled Senate takes it up I'd be pretty surprised. Just because the House kicks around a football doesn't mean the Senate follows suit.

At the rate things are falling apart around here the AGOA won't exist from death by natural causes before the end of the year. We will need a SAGOA by then! (Don't do it, though!)

These clowns in DC don't really care about anything right now but staying off the Epstein lists and avoiding lynch mobs back home. All this is posturing for the cameras.

You are on the right team for this time in history. All you ever needed was a fair shake in access to investment funds and fair valuation of your currency. Wherever that stands at now, it will be inverted by the end of the year. Dollar's about to go dumpster diving. Things are starting to move really fast.

I'll keep it on a list and if it gets serious in a committee or something I'll dig in. For now you can consider it theater to cover up the totally broken status of the US of A.

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Hi, to the other Karen :) Thanks for the suggestion. I'm interested but sadly have no income. But I have added it to my 'one day when I can' list (yes, I keep lists).

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All people who wish to have a chance at sanity keep lists. It's a rite of passage. Otherwise you're always stuck in one kind of la-la land or another!

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Well, the teenage list of the stars I want to sleep with is now replaced by things I want to do before I die. It's a change in expectations :)

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Mar 24Liked by Mike Hampton

24 March. CYRIL RAMAPHOSAs ANC-is there hope for SA https://www.understandingpoliticsinsa.com/452940697/451369541/

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Very interesting at a skim but requires my full attention which won't happen this week whilst I write. But I have bookmarked and will definitely read it on weekend. Thanks.

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I'll need more time to go through your site. I read what was at the link but wish I was digesting it better - too distracted by own work., and yours needs my full focus. It'll also be helpful if the screenshots of articles were clickable to readable size.

I think we agree that the transition from Apartheid to the 'Rainbow Nation' was just a financial transaction, and maybe more about management changing rather than ownership.

Anyways, I promise to return.

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Jewish world dominance is what is being allowed to take place. This has been the Jewish plan since the 1600's which Hitler was a stumbling block to. Rape and loot the world of all its assets,mineral wealth, economies and political rule all at the misery poverty and dominancy of naturalized citizens. Is all this biblical,Torah,honorable,godly or humanitarian where the destruction of all other nations,cultures,languages, religious beliefs, world dominance and non- existence in favor of Jewish greed a blessing

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I will never speak generally of Jewish people. There are great, and very brave Jews standing against Netanhayu's government and Zionism, and there are non-religious but cultural Jews as there are non-observing Christians, Moslems etc.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Martin M asked rise mzanzi to remove 2 big Palestine supporters from their party which would open up funding to them upwards of 50m, which they rejected

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Very interesting. Please send me the proof.

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Mzanzi leader come from Rivonia circle. Rivonie circle influenced by cde. Cde was the replacement for Urban Foundation in 1977. Urban f was funded by Rupert, Oppenheimer, and Menell families and instrumental in the negotiations with the ANC. It played critical roles in the formation of udf.

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"Previously, he worked for the Business Day newspaper, was head of communications for Barclays Africa Group (known to South Africans as ABSA Bank), and was a board member of the think tank Centre for Development and Enterprise (funded by ABSA, Anglo American, Kirsh, Soros, Rockefellers, Oppenheimers etc.)."

I never knew it had a role in the UDF - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Democratic_Front_(South_Africa)

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

I dont think the stated connections and donations are any secret...

Political donations are supposed to be public.

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Open source info, but the Public is mostly unaware of the spiderweb because the journalists, who are often funded from the same sources, aren't reporting on it.

To your other question, yes this is the real me - https://www.mikehampton.co.uk/about

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Factually - There is nothing much I hadn't read before which means it has been reported

Donations are pretty much public these days (or are supposed to be)

What conclusion we draw from the donations is a matter of debate and you draw some conclusions (or suppositions).

The DA is largely opposition... and not govt

Are you going to dig deep into the ANC, MK, EFF funding?

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I'm just one guy, no team, no funding, who bothered to look into a trade deal than led me down this path. I wish it hadn't taken me remotely near the DA because I've experience with how they crush. My turn to ask who you are since you asked me if I was real. It extra matters when you don't chat about the content, and then distract with other parties (who are always being investigated by foreign funded Media and DA allies).

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

I am just a SA voter. Based in CT.

Socially liberal. Fiscal conservative. Traditional in behavior.

Dont belong to any party. Dont donate to any party. Never have.

I do vote.

I do read... a lot.

Edit -> As a 11/12 yo kid I stuffed PRP leaflets into the letterboxes

I deleted my "are you real" comment when I googled you... The sports star hid you... but when I added Knysna... it was easy

Its not a deflection to ask about other parties..unless someone has an axe to grind.

I would venture that the DA, PA, IFP, ACDP etc. is more transparent about their funding than the ruling party...

Having said that, all donations should be out there

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Mar 28Liked by Mike Hampton

The think tank of Urban Foundation That Ann bernstein created was Geoffrey Lamb now the shief advisors to bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Jeff McArthur I think. Both Marxist scholars. All of them advices the WEF agenda.

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Ann Bernstein from the CDE and Brenthurst Foundation.

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Mar 26Liked by Mike Hampton

I had an inkling of this, but had no idea of the extent. It makes me sick to my stomach. Now then, who do I vote for? The devil I know or the devil with the sweet tongue and pitched fork?

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I'd skip thinking that one vote can fix the future. But you could protest by giving your vote to the most unlikely party (that you don't feel threatens you) e.g. once upon a time there was the Dagga Party.

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Mar 27Liked by Mike Hampton

Is it worth spoiling your vote to show utter contempt for the process?

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That would be your democratic choice. No one can tell you how to use your vote, thus I don't believe it can be 'spoiled'.

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Mar 27Liked by Mike Hampton

So these wonderful people gave billions to poison the citizens of Africa with their deadly clot shot

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I do not know how donated monies were used, or the reason behind it, so cannot claim that for all involved. However, the motives of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is questionable, as expressed by far better writers than me. That's beyond my resources to research so all I can do is try focus on political interference.

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Mar 28Liked by Mike Hampton

Most insightful. Thanks

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I appreciate the compliment.

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Mar 28Liked by Mike Hampton

Thanks for this fantastically researched piece. Btw, do you know Lowkey? His exposure of Zionist tentacles in the halls of British power is remarkable.

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I appreciate the work being appreciated. I'm leaving it up to readers to decide if its Zionism or business, but most seem to think the former. Yes, Lowkey is a monster intellect and debater. I should definitely link to him more.

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Thanks for your article, which I do agree with, however I would like to add that the ANC is also part of the Antichrist final beast Jewish empire of the Rothschilds, (synagogue of satan) which one of the heads of the final beast empire is Marxist communism, remember Joe Slovo a Jewish Marxist Leninist.

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Magz, thanks for reading but note that terms such as "AntiChrist" and "Illuminati" detract from the credibility of people writing about issues such as election interference. And, as an atheist, I'm no warrior for Christ. I'm just a concerned citizen, as we all can be.

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I saw you mentioned Christians siding with Israel, and yet it needs to be pointed out to Christians that Israel is completely Antichrist, it doesn't matter who Christians vote for, they are voting for the Zionists.

I understand Illuminati is a popular distraction from the real perpetrators, of who is in control of ushering in the one world government.

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I still balk at the term "AntiChrist" but we agree that Christianity and Zionism are different religions. But not all Americans Christians realise that. The USA's relationship with Israel is, to put it mildly, unique.

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Antichrist is biblical and Christians know what this means, Christians in the USA need to realize that supporting Israel is supporting the antichrist agenda.

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