I see religion as the struggle of the individual to become better. Thereafter, it’s natural that those with something in common form a tribe. My issue is when a tribe decides to kill others to prove that their religion is righteous.
Modern politics makes me doubt that history was that simple. Within, there were likely always bankers, narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths wanting power, and thus abusing common folk* to achieve that.
The irony is that the faithful become the sinners, and then they forgive themselves so they can continue being superior.
There’s obvious contentiousness in Christians United for Israel wanting to help bring about Armageddon whilst Zionists are breeding a sacred cow for their intended temple on Islam’s third holiest site. Violence is congruent, but the desired result is different.
It’s better to not try figure out how followers of conflicting religions can all go to a better afterlife together. We should gloss over the silliness of humans thinking they can manipulate God’s promise for the end of our world.
Our focus must be on viewing politically and thus manipulatively. That’s less confusing. The Israeli elite want weapons to secure their ethnic project and financial aspirations, and the American elite want to profit money and geopolitical influence.
The irony is that Israel doubles as dispensable, the USA trying to ally with corrupt Sunni Moslem leaders against Shia countries because, in the long term, Israel may vanish. That would also explain why, so far, there’s no such thing as Arabs helping Arabs when it comes to Palestine and Lebanon. The Persians are all they’ve got.
But I’m not here to argue, predict, or philosophise these matters. I’m preaching about a must-see documentary featuring Lee Fang, that great investigative journalist and substacker. He will help us zoom into the horror of the foot soldiers and the ungodly preachers politicians profiteers directing them.
‘Praying for Armageddon’ is a political thriller that investigates the dangerous consequences of the fusion between Evangelical Christianity and American politics.
Through years of reporting, this film not only reveals how structures of fundamentalism weaken the very fabric of American democracy, but also highlights the devastating impact religion wields on U.S. foreign policy.
From a grassroots foundation and megachurch empires to the dark backroom maneuvering in Washington D.C., this film ventures inside a movement that ultimately aims to destroy our civilization.
This deep dive into power and policy unveils how politicians driven by faith embrace Israel as the key to their prophetic vision for the end of days, at any cost, ultimately escalating the spirals of violence in the Middle East.
As Intercept journalist Lee Fang says, “We cannot look away.”
You need to watch this. It’s relevant as the American elections approach, but more necessary in the long-term because the whole world is affected by this pillaging idiocy.
Al Jazeera’s 45min free cut…
Or see it in full via Google Play & Apple.
* * * * * *
* In this sense, I define “commoners” as struggling members of the lower and middle class who are lazy and ripe for manipulation, willing to give up their freedom for the comfort of belonging to a tribe during this lonely and unforgiving time. It’s easier to become part of a ‘superior’ crowd of hate than it is to be among the few who fight, against the odds, the roots of our problems.
America is a very religious country, devoid of spirituality. It's a business, a hustle and grift. This is not only true of the evangelical right, it is also true of the liberal churches. I follow the news about the US/Israel genocide closely and in all these bloody months have seen zero comments, statements or calls to oppose the genocide by the nice oh-so-socially-conscious liberal churches.
There is a very liberal church nearby that I would occasionally attend to see if they were involved in any meaningful social justice work. It's all empty performative crap. They are very woke with pronoun sensitivity and Pride flags flying out on the street corner and a banner about love etc. But in my liberal community that takes zero courage.
Shortly after the genocide began I approached the pastor to see about beginning a Peace & Justice committee to provide education on the history of the genocide and eventually actions that might be taken to stop the killing. She was rattled by the suggestion and nervously said she'd "think about it" and get back to me. Of course, she never did. She leads a weekly coffee circle of older congregants at the coffee shop I go to. I often overhear their conversations and it's all insane crap about high school adventures and first cars. Nothing, ever about the world their grandkids are having dumped on them.
Whenever I see the pastor in the community she smiles nervously and skitters away. Just like the American "Christian" community skitters away from any true belief in what they preach.
There is another liberal Unitarian church I attended for a number of months and left because of their performative hypocrisy on climate justice. At Sunday services at both churches the place is filled with gray and white heads. As I noted to one Unitarian committee I was trying to work with, unless they work to be relevant to young people their churches will be shuttered in another 5-10 years as everybody dies off. Given what they have become, good riddance.
A beautiful piece buddy