Good post.


The shitraelis want to focus on exterminating as many as possible in the Gaza concentration camp and driving out as many as possible in the rest of Occupied Palestine so they can pretend they are annexing it. They are delusional and deranged and no, Palestine is not screwed. The only way shitrael can win is by exterminating every Palestinian in the world 16 million of them, half in the Diaspora and that is not possible. They have not even managed to exterminate the 2.3 million in Gaza and if they did, and shame on the Americans and all their gutless allies, would still have another 6 million, magic figure, including the 2 million living in what is called shitrael for the moment.

Along with getting a war started with Iran.

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I accept your context point, but, if I were suffering like the Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank,, I'd consider myself screwed, more so knowing that more Western weapons will be arriving whilst I have years of diarrhea that I can't properly describe because I'm nutrition and school deprived.

As a non-Palestinian, I'm wondering when Europe and the USA will be attacked, and how I describe something that isn't quite revolution nor terrorism.

Thankfully, I'm not an unconscionable American lawyer copyrighting 'SHITRAEL' so I can sue journalists using it, and send 10% of the proceeds to my Church so they can fund red cow breeding.

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I suspect the Palestinians take the long-term view and have no illusions about their oppressors. Three generations of subjugation and terrible abuse has made them more patient and pragmatic than most people. Yes they are suffering, particularly in Gaza but as we both know, plenty of people in Africa suffer in similar ways.

The Israelis are mentally ill and not rational and that means they just keep making mistakes. Clearly they were losing badly in Lebanon and so someone said, hey, let's go back to attacking unarmed civilians, men, women, children, etc., in Palestine.

In their most deranged moments they will work to hit Iran. As to the US or Europe being attacked, I hope not, because that plays into shitraeli hands and propaganda.

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There will always be exceptions but, yes, it can be generalised that Israel is suffering from a negative mentality akin to WW2 Germany and Colonial Britain.

I expect more problems and major events in the short term, though Ukraine, backed by the same delightful folk, may beat Israel to that punch against morality and common sense.

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Well as some general is said to have said: When the first shot is fired all plans go out the window.

It is hard to see, with a collapsing economy and collapsing army how the Shitraelis can achieve what they desire.

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Israel is forever changed, especially in the world's eyes, but so long as America and the UK pump it with cash and weapons, and the Sunni world doesn't cut ties, it survives.

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“The US funded up to 73% of Israel's war effort since Oct 7, for a total of at least $22.76 billion” - https://substack.com/@sustainablyspeaking/note/c-78050300?

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A flashback to US history and the headline is:

" Those damn savages keep attacking peaceful settelers "

Or :

" These Indians keep burning down our forts ! "🔥

Without Hezbola, Greater Israel has one less step to go to control the region.

And I really doubt if BIBI will ever stand trial.

It seams things will not change for the better anytime soon.

On the plus side, I doubt if the Trump administration will actually attract Iran.

When you have all that gold in your pocket, why fuck things up?

Great Post today,Mike.

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At a tangent, I watched the documentary 'Bad Press' yesterday. It's an example of American corruption being Indigenous too. It's about one tribe's corrupt leaders repealing freedom of the press.

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Lebanon which didn’t declare or engage in war is declaring a ceasefire?

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It's more that the USA declared the ceasefire, and the UN followed, and Lebanon agreed. That an American influenced government can speak on behalf of Hezbollah is ridiculous, yet the latter is going along with it to catch its breath.

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That 🎯 *Trust resume* at the beginning = The crux of the clusterfuck that is the US and the rest of the world that keeps supporting them, one way or another.

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Greed has triumphed trust for a long time.

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« From the river to the sea » for Israelis is the Litani river.

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"I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River [Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine]. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you. Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Do not let them live in your land or they will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to you." - Exodus 23:31–33

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Age-old Games of Begats lives on all flawed People--entire Nations, nearby cities, even next door neighbor. Greed Avarice, Robbery.

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They shall not covet was one of the few decent things the 'Bible' said, and then the 'Christians' coveted.

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And who said: "Only Christians Covet" !!!

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I did not say that. I was speaking of America as the most covetous. Most of the Middle East is in on that game.

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Oh it is an Opine....Always proper......sometimes prosper.

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Your Reply function is not working. So I will post here.

The biggest factors are however internal. The economy is crumbling and investors will not go near the genocidal state. Look at how much money McDonalds and that trash American coffee chain, forget the name, have lost because they are associated with shitrael.

Can or would an investor put money into a State which holds the gold standard as the greatest intentional mass murderer of children in modern history? Mud sticks and there is a lot of mud regardless of what the propagandist backlash might say.

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I couldn't see the button when replying to another, and thus had to do it through the Activity page. Considering comments were turned off for two of my posts, I think Substack has some bugs after an update. Alternatively, that nightmare I had was true, and my subconscious self betrayed me by making a deal with Peter Thiel to automatically turn off comments when my conscious self is washing dishes.

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Funny bugger. Working now.

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I agree with you. I still stand by my article 'Downfall'. Nevertheless, empires don't die easily, and Israel has been part of the American empire for a long time. Think of all the shit Saudi Arabia gets up to, yet snow in the desert, golf and movies for women make the news, a rebranding that possibly inspired Mark Zuckerberg.

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No agreement on the substance! But no agreement at all!

You yourself have lit this immense fire that consumes the bodies and souls of the martyred country that was Palestine. And this, since you conceived, maintained and supported the evil project of implantation, in Palestine, of a settlement colony of the worst kind.

Experience shows us to what extent we must have faith in the commitments of Israel, which does not bother with any brake, any consideration of moral or legal order, knowing full well that they benefit, in advance, from full and complete absolution for all their crimes, past, present and future on the part of the totally subservient Western powers.

We must stop believing in all this nonsense. Deep down, and tacitly, the Western sponsors of this artificial and fascist entity adhere to the Zionist project of greater Israel. They started the fire, and they are keeping it going as best they can...as we know, when they want to, fake firefighters can be fabulous arsonists...

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I never lit any fire.

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Of course Mike Hampton, speaking of arsonists, it is obvious that I absolutely do not consider you as such! You light other fires, those of reflection, of the quest for truth and light, and we must thank you for all that. My grievance concerns all that/those that you denounce and whose evildoing has led us to these excesses and these deleterious eruptions fruits of unreason, and of a dystopian vision of the world…

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Aha. I was confused at "You yourself have lit this". Thanks for clarification.

Those death-for-profit sociopaths are our leaders, so it says something about us, Humanity, as a collective.

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