I was asking since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, what's wrong with Germany? How bovine Germans could possibly be not to get it that they are being so screwed?

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They'd be like folks everywhere who, deep down, don't truly believe they're in a democracy, and thus allow non-democratic 'leaders' to devolve them. Just like Labour overwhelmingly won in the UK with the vast majority in the country being against them. As Adam Curtis well said, "They know we know they lie. They don't care. We say we care but we do nothing. Nothing changes. That’s normal. Welcome to the post-truth world.” - https://www.mikehampton.co.uk/p/hypernormalisation-horror-neoliberal-documentary

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What I simply don’t understand about Germany, the UK and my own country (the US) is why we threw our borders open to unrestrained immigration. It seems particularly bad in Europe because so many of the newcomers seem to be culturally unable to assimilate to the norms of their chosen society. .

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My country has a greater percentage of migrants than yours but I have mixed feelings on the matter, and thus I'm neither conservative or liberal. I believe in helping people but not to the extent of destroying oneself. I'm not a nationalist but I have appreciation for culture and, more importantly, the understanding that sometimes comes with it, the norms/rules of society. The other angle is that skilled migrants are a boon, and I've met many great migrants. The real problem is not having a working government and thus the issue becomes politics instead of human rights or national gain/disaster. They just scream and scream whilst not fixing the system they're suppose to manage. Xenophobia can be hectic here in South Africa, and people do get killed, but the flipside is that the biggest liberal party and their second biggest opposition both seem to be working towards open borders, which may mean they have funders in common. Therein, is my biggest concern i.e. international private powers with oodles of money deciding what our policies should be on the ground whilst they live in the sky.

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Germany has been a real puzzle for me. I used to love spending time there. Mass immigration changed a lot, and now they’re not slipping into darkness, they’re plunging fast.

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I have never been to Europe let alone Germany, but I keep an eye on their politics because they affect my country. It does seem insane, but less so when considering that chaos maybe benefits those secretive forces I mentioned to Dave above. Politics is a private project. It has little to do with us except to control us, and keep us fighting each other.

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